Thou Shalt Diversify

While most prudent financial advisors are correct to tell you to diversify your investments, they do you a disservice to confine you to a range of lame assets like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds. It might surprise you to learn that stocks, bonds, and mutual funds do not work for the average investor and are not proven to create wealth for tens of millions of people throughout history, like real estate has.

Jason’s 6th Commandment of Successful Investing is thou shalt diversify.

Most of us know a person or two who has started with very little (maybe $20,000) and gotten rich from it in real estate. The same can’t be said for stock investors. Outside of the infrequent day trader who got lucky once, most of the wealth on Wall Street was created by persons or corporations who were already rich.

Sorry, but that’s the way that game is played. If you want a more level playing field, real estate should be your choice.

By using the Empowered Investor approach to income property investing, you are automatically diversified far better than Wall Street could ever hope to duplicate. The trick is to buy in various geographic markets – we are monitoring and recommending properties in 39 areas right now. That’s right. And on television you heard there was a U.S. housing slump, didn’t you?

Not true. There are more than three dozen markets which offer excellent investment opportunities right now – today! You spread the risk by purchasing properties is different markets simultaneously. Maybe you choose three. Maybe six. It all depends on your investment capital and risk tolerance.

Presto. Instant diversification in history’s best investment.