This is not the best time ever to buy real estate.

Can you believe we just said that out loud? One thing we will always do at Empowered Investor Network is tell you the truth about income property investing. Actually, we’ll always tell you the truth about anything we say but the topic du jour is “Today is not the best time ever to invest in real estate!”

1972 was much better. You would have made more money then.

However, you might also notice we didn’t say you shouldn’t invest in real estate today. It’s still, hands down, the best opportunity to for you to create wealth. It might not be 1972 but we’re still doing very well with our 30% annual return on investment projections. Want to take your chances with the swindlers on Wall Street? Please say no.

Today, as in 1972, real estate still offers four major separate ways to gain a return on your investment. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or commodities? Please. With these you buy, pray the game isn’t rigged, and hope for appreciation.

Real estate? How about these four ways to profit:

1. Simple Appreciation: Sure, we always like appreciating assets but this is only the icing on the cake.

2. Cash Flow: Gets even better when you use the Deferred Down Payment™ approach.

3. Principal reduction: Your debt dwindles away while you do nothing, courtesy of tenants and inflation.

4. Tax Benefits: 1031 exchange, Go-Zone, etc. Income property is the most favored asset in America today.

While 1972 might have been the top of the mountain for real estate investing, today can still be pretty darn sweet when you do it the right way.

The Empowered Investor Team

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