The Miracle Minute – Government Funding in the US

Recently I saw a bumper sticker: “Save A Forest — Kill A Corporation.”

Have you ever wanted to drive up beside a car just to see who was driving it? I so wanted to, but space wouldn’t allow. For an instant I thought about following the car, then changed my mind. Who knows what that driver might do?

Where do people like that acquire their beliefs? In America, corporations provide jobs, jobs pay wages, wages are taxed, and taxation funds government. Governments are parasites, living off the profits of the private sector.

Business (the private sector) and government (the public sector) are interdependent. One without the other doesn’t work – which Communism has proven.

What has made the United States strong isn’t government. It is the “Free-Enterprise System.” Firms that do well by delivering well get rewarded. Firms that over-promise and under-deliver slowly go out of business. For a nation to remain strong businesses must remain results driven. Anything less leads to cost overruns.

People who assume that all corporations are bad need to turn on their lights — if they have any. They need to look at what Bill Gates and others like him are doing with their money and they need to see how the arts are funded. Without corporate funding our nation would slip back into the Stone Age.

Wouldn’t it make sense to have high school students learn something about government funding?