The list.

The clear majority of wealth on this planet was created through the shrewd and proper development of real estate. Recognize any of the following names?

Donald Trump – The Donald
Allan Dalton – CEO of
Jason Hartman – CEO of Empowered Investor Network
The Astors – self explanatory
The Rockefellers – self explanatory
Harry Helmsley – created the empire that got his wife in trouble.
Steve Wynn – Vegas, baby!
The Bloombergs – self explanatory
Robert Kiyosaki – Rich Dad, Poor Dad
William Zeckendorf – early United States real estate developer

Some of these names were born into money and some began with very little. The common denominator is they did it with real estate. Property investing is not a passing fad (unless human life on earth is also). History has proven over and over that income property is the most proven wealth creator. Ever. Why would you do anything else?

If you took everything away from Donald Trump – his properties, television show, bank accounts, and high roller connections – but only left him two things. Leave him a decent credit rating and the knowledge in his head of how he built his sprawling empire in the first place. Chances are, it wouldn’t be long before he was back at the top again.

If The Donald can do it with possibly the worst coiffed head of hair in history, why not you?


Flickr / Gage Skidmore