The difference between hobby and business – accountability

Why do we go to work? For a very few of us, job satisfaction. For the vast majority, because it takes money to live. If they had a choice, most people would rather work at a home based business, selling a service or marketing a product over the internet. To many, that’s a distant dream that doesn’t seem to fit into the day to day reality of living.

You can make it fit, though, if you do two things.

1.Find an extra hour or two in your day and take focused action to build a business.
2.Make yourself accountable to someone else.

Number two is the one we’re interested in today, and that very well could be the difference between a hobby and business. What happens to most of us when we have no accountability? Here’s a partial list:

  • television
  • naps
  • more television
  • staring into space
  • snacking
  • Facebook

See where we’re headed? The human animal needs accountability to accomplish anything. Very few people are self motivated or disciplined enough to follow through with consistency on their own. The lesson is find someone: husband, wife, brother, sister, parent, friend, UPS delivery guy. We’d like to say ANYONE but that’s not really true. It should be someone who sees value in your endeavor, cares about you, and, most importantly, will kick your lazy rear end into gear when needed.

Want a home based business that will allow you to retire from the job you don’t really like? Get accountable!

The Creating Wealth Team

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Flickr / Mubina H