The dark heart of Wall Street.

Upon further reflection, perhaps we shouldn’t be so hard on an innocent little concrete corridor passing through the heart of New York City. It’s not the street that’s the problem. It’s the shysters, financial deviants, and outright criminals who ply their trade via the stock exchange located there that cause the trouble.

The reason we at Empowered Investor Network avoid stocks and focus our attention on real estate is very simple. The investment banks and financial institutions have figured out a way to create asset bubbles and profit from them. This is nothing new. It’s been going on at least since the depression and more recent examples of their strategy merely confirm the obvious.

Here’s how it works. Wall Street institutions sell low quality assets to eager small time investors, driving the price up and creating a bubble. When the bubble bursts, as they always do, the vultures who sold the junk in the first place swoop in to pick up the pieces when it’s over, buying the assets back at rock bottom prices.

Why does this work over and over? It’s because Wall Street is apolitical and carries a big lobbying stick. They don’t care whether Democrats or Republicans are in power. The only thing that matters is that the politicians respond to the power of persuasion, which they do with amazing regularity.

This is why you won’t win with your Wall Street investments.

The Platinum Team

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