The biggest casino in the world – almost.

How many people out there think it’s a good idea to take your life savings to Vegas and try to implement a retirement plan? Hopefully, not many hands are waving enthusiastically in the air right now. The funny (and scary) thing is you might have a better shot at hitting it big rolling the dice and pulling the one-armed bandit than putting your faith in a basketful of Wall Street stocks.

One thing’s for sure – you’d have more fun in the acknowledged inequity of Sin City than trying to play a straight game on a crooked field that pretends like it’s straight. At least in Vegas you know the odds are against you.

Heard of Jim Cramer? This hedge fund manager turned cable television bobble head doll bragged to Stephen Colbert about how he manipulated stocks. If there’s one thing you can count on, it’s that he wasn’t the only one. Madoff, Greenberg, Enron…the roll call of Wall Street scoundrels is long and colorful. Why would you ever put one red cent into that cesspool of conspiracy? Who really has any idea exactly what they’re doing over there on sleazy street? Certainly not the SEC.

One of the major issues involving stocks, bonds, and the like is you give up direct control of your investment. This is one of the most important areas of your life. Why would you ever let someone else control it? That’s why we like real estate and really like income properties. You buy it, control it, and build a nice nest egg from it.

Is the stock market really the biggest casino in the world? Maybe. Forex might be bigger.

The Platinum Team

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Flickr / Mark Hillary