The best defense against bogus internet jobs – common sense!

Sometimes common sense seems to be an uncommon quality, especially when it comes to job offers found on the internet. It should come as a shocking surprise to absolutely no one that the FTC has decided there are too many con artists targeting the unemployed with bogus jobs and work-at-home scams these days.

You can’t believe everything you read on the internet? Really?

If you learn nothing else in this life, learn this – you don’t get something for nothing. Are there legitimate ways to earn huge sums of money on the internet? Absolutely. They entail busting your butt for a long time while you build a business. You will not get rich overnight with the latest traffic-generating scheme just because the guy who sold it to you wrote really good sales copy.

Since desperate, trusting people keep falling for these schemes time and time again, the FTC has frozen the assets of seven such businesses, while the Justice Department prosecutes 44 similar cases, and state attorneys general are in the midst of 18 more.

As long as there are people on this planet, there will be other people looking for ways to trick them. Don’t fall for the easy, tempting way out of financial troubles. Chances are, it’s only going to get you in deeper. Grab a shovel and start digging yourself out. The internet is a great resource – but it’s not infallible.

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Flickr / Mr.Thomas