Persistence of the Jobless Recovery

Most people noticed when the bureau of economic analysis released GDP growth numbers for Q4’10 of 3.2%. What most people have not noticed is a rise in the level of national affluence. There appears to be a disconnect that is growing between the numbers that are...

John Rubino Talking Cyprus Collapse

Jason Hartman and John Rubino of tackle the latest hot EU issue happening in Cyprus with the potential implosion of the Cyprian banking system. John discusses what is on the table to bail out Cyprus and the consequences of any deals reached. He also...

Jim Rogers on Gold, Fannie and Freddie…

Jason Hartman is joined by Jim Rogers, who is returning to the show a second time, to talk about Jim’s thoughts on several issues. Jim discusses the possibility of a major correction in the gold market, cautioning that it is not normal to have so many speculators...

Step Into the Fray

Recent news about the US debt downgrade, the subsequent market turmoil, flow of capital into treasuries, and commitments by the Federal Reserve to more easy money are creating an unprecedented opportunity for income property investments. The stock market is becoming...

Inflation isn’t Coming … It’s Here

At, we have been warning about inflation for quite a while. For a long time, the Consumer Price Index has shown what appear to be very benign levels of price increases, leading some to believe that the monetary expansion required to finance profligate...