Thou Shalt Make Rational Decisions

There’s a theory that says we’re willing to pay more for something when it’s being offered alongside something free. Likely, it isn’t a deal at all—the cost of the free item is worked into the cost of the first item, but we are tricked. A free item allows us to forget...

Thou Shalt Use Shelters to Protect Wealth

As children, we’re taught that a human only needs three things to survive—food, water, and shelter. And while real estate offers a physical shelter (which is one of the reasons it is so great—people will always need shelter) what we’re talking about here is real...

Jason Hartman: “Thou Shalt Embrace Fragmentation”

If you’ve ever dropped a smartphone face down on the pavement, you know what a hassle fragmentation can be. What was once a perfect, smooth screen is now 30 pieces of shattered glass. Strangely though, most often the phone continues to work. Sure, it’s a little...

Jason Hartman: “Thou Shalt Invest in Quality”

Take a moment and think back to that first real job. Maybe it was after high school or college—your first foray into the world of professionals. You probably wanted to look the part, but maybe money wouldn’t allow. So you went to a low end department store or a thrift...