Extremely High ROI

ROI of 40%! EVERYTHING in home recently upgraded, including new roof and HVAC.

Why Timeshares are a Bad Investment

Timeshares are the investment that people brag about, but no one ever profits from because just like buying a car, the value depreciates as soon as you those keys are officially yours. Being able to call a luxurious vacation resort your own sounds pretty nice, but the...

Invest in Energy Efficient Upgrades

Energy efficient upgrades are becoming more popular in homes these days, as “going green” continues the attraction of “saving the planet” and saving on utilities. By going green and investing in energy efficient upgrades, you can benefit by cutting costs on several...

Win a Real Estate Bidding War

Real estate bidding wars are a constant battle in the housing market, but not every market is at war. There are several reasons the demand to buy or sell is hot or cold in your market, homebuyers might find themselves competing for houses because there’s not many for...