Optimizing Your Portfolio Against Inflation, Deflation, and Taxes

One of the predictions that are beginning to pick up steam in the investor community is the notion that coming disruptions in government policy will further suppress investment activity and create deflation over the short-run, with inflation expected over the long-run...

Mischievous Money

By now, most people have heard about the second round of “Quantitative Easing” being conducted by the Federal Reserve. In short, this means that the Fed will be purchasing treasury bills with freshly printed money to inject more cash into the monetary system. To date,...

Deflationists underestimate government stupidity

Economists love to smack the inflation badminton around, constantly trying to figure out if the trend is inflationary or deflationary. In our estimation, this is an easy one. Inflation has been a sometimes slow and sometimes fast force in the American market since...