Shield your investments from Wall Street’s bad behavior with real estate.

There’s no other way around it. We spend a lot of time bashing Wall Street’s bad behavior because we believe it’s warranted. The brokers and fund managers will happily sell you low quality, trash investments that will NOT make you wealthy. We’re of the opinion that the other side, real estate, the side that actually works needs a voice also. Consider us equal time.

“But wait,” you say. “I hear the virtues of stocks, bonds, and mutual funds trumpeted from the highest towers on dozens of cable business shows and in the pages of countless magazines and newspapers.”

You would be right to make that proclamation but just because the media repeats a lie loudly and often doesn’t make it true. The truth is this – the stock market of generations past no longer exists. Gone are the days your grandfather remembers when a middle class investor could build up a nice retirement nest egg with regular stock investments in dividend-paying companies.

Dividends? Ha! Not any more. The stock market is a speculator’s exchange these days, as is evidenced by the wild swings in price. It’s no better than a casino and certainly not as much fun.

Meanwhile, real estate continues chugging along quietly in the background, making more people wealthy every year, just as it has always done. If you want to make investments that work, ignore the noise on Wall Street, learn about rental property ownership, and set sail for the land of financial freedom.

The Platinum Team

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