Reality check – looked at the gas pump lately?

Remember back in the good old days (late 2008) when gas prices were in full retreat and you could buy a gallon of the stuff at your favorite convenience store without following a fill-up with a handful of Tums chaser? The nation was high on hope, short on expertise, and Mr. Obama was about to hit the reset button.

Golly, those were the halcyon days. The Evil-doer in Chief, Mr. George (Genghis Khan) Bush’s policies had been sent soundly packing while the new messiah ushered in 10,000 years of peace and tranquility.

Umm…how long did that last? By my watch, about 28 seconds.

In case you’ve been checking the bottom of your pants pockets for leaks lately, wondering where all the money is going, take a sneak peek at the price of a gallon of gas. It hasn’t just been rising. A more accurate term would be rocketing – the price has increased more than a dollar at the pump since the beginning of 2009. That’s 61%. But we probably don’t need to point that out to you. The giant sucking sound followed by a solid thud and garbled groans is the sound of millions of hope addicts getting the stuffing kicked out of their idealism.

It’s obvious the politicos will be no help at all. How are you going to get through this mess with any sort of nest egg at all? Rugged individualism, my friends, and a healthy dose of real estate investing. It’s the only thing likely work any more. Always has. Probably always will. The great part is Empowered Investor Network will teach you how. Click over to to get started right now. Quick!