Meet the Masters of Income Property 2018 Announcements

Jason Hartman centers the show around a special announcement for those attending the upcoming 2018 Meet the Masters of Income Property. He talks about how he has integrated more technology including using an app for the event. Then he goes over some submissions of the...

Wealth Protection from the Volatility of the Stock Market

Jason Hartman discusses the benefits of real estate in our everyday lives. He looks at down payments on residential properties and explains what causes upward pressure on rents. Later, he plays a clip from a housing market webinar. With around 400 different markets...

50 Year of Increased Credit Availability and Mortgages As Assets

Jason Hartman uses today’s episode to discuss the expansion of credit over the past five decades. He goes into the impact that has had on the economy. Then looks at Trump’s war with the Fed. Jason encourages to continue stocking up on low-interest rate...

Private Lenders Vs Public Banks with Larry Muck

On this Flash Back Friday episode 287, originally published in November 2012 as show number 287 Jason hosts Larry Muck, the Executive Director of the American Association of Private Lenders. They talk about the organization’s history and their mission and...