Online skills deficit? Outsource!

Let’s face it. Almost everyone who doesn’t make a living online would like to. Often the reason is that the person feels overwhelmed and unequipped to take even the first step. Relax, breathe quietly for a moment, and look at the issue logically.

Say you want to start an internet marketing business selling your own product. That’s a good idea. Lots of people make great money doing that. We’ve established that information marketing is an eternal money maker so we’ll go that way with our example. Now you need to write an ebook about your area of expertise.

But you don’t have the time to write it! Job, life, family gets in the way. See there, stumped before you even got started. Not so fast. You can pay someone to create what you need every step of the way while you’re business building. And it’s not as expensive as you might think. The website Elance is an excellent resource to find freelance writers, graphic designers, and other web specialists. Craigslist is another to check out.

Read through the listings to get an idea of what the going rate is for a project your size. Post an ad for an ebook writer, sift through the responses, and make the hire! It’s that easy. You can repeat this process for each step in the business building process. The point is this: you can hire someone to do anything you don’t have the time or skills for.

Outsourcing is an incredible idea that allows beginners to get their toe in the door, and experienced marketers to scale their efforts as high as they want to go. We suggest you ponder this topic and then get busy outsourcing.

The Creating Wealth Team

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