Naming a new business

Don’t let the daunting task of coming up with a name for your fledgling business endeavor ruin your day. Is a name important? Of course it is – but you don’t have to wander through life in a haze, crippled by indecision, unable to take the next step forward with your home-based business idea until you get the naming right.

Naming is hard because words can be so subjective. Do you think Google filled initial investors with visions of rich rewards? How about Starbucks? EBay? See what we mean – subjective. You may love it while the rest of the free world can’t stand to even say it.

Having said that, from a basic level of branding, getting the name right is important as an identifier and differentiator. Your name might take on one or more of the following attributes:

1. Stand out from competitors’ names
2. Identify a key benefit
3. Roll off the tongue
4. Suggest an idea
5. Be weird or unusual

Prefer memorable over descriptive. To see this idea in action, consider the following pair of names:

SharpDog vs. Print Management

Which is easier for a potential customer to remember? Hopefully, you said the first one. So let the creative juices flow – and don’t worry about whether or not the name of your new online bookstore makes people think of large-breasted warrior women. Wait, that’s already taken – Amazon.

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