Look out, here comes video marketing

If you’re starting to think there might be something to this video marketing on the internet angle, you’d be right. As high speed bandwidth becomes available on a widespread basis for the consumer market, it looks like there is a seemingly insatiable appetite for watching videos.

Ever heard of a little website called YouTube? Yeah, you could say it’s pretty popular. Hiding among these millions (billions?) of videos are more than just pop culture clips. YouTube and other video sites are becoming the de facto source for any kind of information to many people – instructional videos are a good example. You learn how to do almost anything there. It seems the human animal is visual by nature; it’s how we like to learn.

Think your home-based business or internet marketing venture could profit from the strategic use of video marketing? Do it right and your server could be overwhelmed with traffic and sales. As you can probably surmise after a few minutes surveying the field of YouTube entries, this ain’t rocket science. You don’t need a degree from UCLA Film School to create your own series of marketing videos.

Many videos are nothing more than a series of still images with audio voice-over and a website address embedded in the clip. But don’t think a hastily thrown together piece of junk is going to make you millions. Remember – solve a problem for people and they’ll reward you richly.

The Creating Wealth Team

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