Investment Advice in the Face of Specious Arguments

Jason Hartman has been dispensing valuable investment advice at no charge for many years now. One of the hardest misconceptions to overcome is the idiotic notion that there is a national housing market that moves in one monolithic lockstep direction at a time. We’ve rebutted this false characterization so many times we probably say it in our sleep.

“There is no housing market!”

If you can assimilate this basic piece of investment advice, your worries are over, mate. It’s only a matter of time, maybe sooner than you think, before you’re building the kind of wealth you used to only dream about. So, what’s the deal? Of course, there’s a housing market, right? They talk about it on the evening news all the time.

And Sponge Bob makes hamburgers at the bottom of the sea. Do you believe something just because it’s on television? We’re talking common sense here and we have the numbers to back it up. For now, let’s walk through the logic of it. Housing in southern California is worlds apart from Florida, New York, Oregon, Indiana, and Texas. To truly understand real estate investing, you must harken back to the days of legendary Reagan-era House Speaker Tip O’Neill, who said, “All politics are local.”

Well, all real estate is local too. Every city is a market unto itself, as is every neighborhood within the city. This is micro-targeting. The newsman that can lump a free-falling California neighborhood with the sizzling Austin, Texas, suburbs is either misinformed, a liar, or an idiot. It’s that simple. You don’t put apples and oranges together in a basket and call them applanges. It doesn’t work like that and neither does real estate.

Time to take your investment advice from someone with a clue. Our professional investment counselors are waiting to talk to you at 714-820-4200.

The Creating Wealth Team

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Flickr / Jon Ovington