How to strike OUT in real estate – part 1.

You can’t blame them. People who have been recently creamed in the stock market to the tune of $7 trillion are desperately looking for some way to recoup their nest egg. Understandably, many are leery about re-entering stocks when their scorched pants are still smoking from the last go round.

What to do?

Obviously, some settle on real estate. As a concept, we think that’s a GREAT idea but you have to do it the right way. If you jump in with a stock market mentality, let’s just say, “See that light at the end of the tunnel? It’s a freight train coming your way.”

What do we mean by a “stock market mentality”? It seems the vast majority of newbies anxious to generate some major coin with real estate are looking to jump in and watch their investment property appreciate rapidly, sell it and do it again. This is called flipping and if you find yourself with an incredible urge to do this, please check out The Complete Solution For Real Estate Investors™. You can find it at You’ve got to be thinking long term – at least 10-15 years down the road. Think you can time the real estate market accurately enough to buy low and sell high? Listen to yourself. Buy low and sell high. That’s a stock investor talking. If you want to be a successful real estate investor, you’ve got to put on a different hat.

In real estate, it’s not all about appreciation. There are so many more aspects to this kind of investing. Don’t misunderstand. We LIKE appreciation but it’s just the icing on the cake. To properly invest in real estate, you need the right education.

Stay tuned and we’ll point you in the right direction.

stock.xchng / Wietze