How do WE make money?

Maybe it’s been nibbling at the back of your brain – how do these people at Empowered Investor Network make money anyway? They seem to be giving all the good information for free. We do give away a lot. It’s part of the business model. The first thing to understand is we’re not a traditional real estate company. Our focus is teaching people to invest the right way and then offering them quality opportunities via recommendations through our network.

Obviously, we make money through our own income property investments. We don’t just talk the talk. We’re out there buying the same properties in the same markets that you are. The process is an education in itself, an education which we gladly make available to you through podcasts, e-books, and our expert investment counselors.

We don’t make a lot of money when you buy one property. Like a restaurant, we rely on repeat business. To earn that repeat business, we do everything we can think of to make it so you’ll always want to buy your properties through us. It’s a symbiotic relationship. You make money, we make money, and the greatest form of investing ever invented, income property, keeps right on working.

At Empowered Investor Network, we can show you how to expect 30% annual returns on your money. We figure that’s a pretty good reason to want to do business with us.

The Platinum Team

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