Gold ain’t all it’s cracked up to be.

For all the recent mania regarding the over-the-moon price of gold, one little number gets lost in all the hullabaloo – the investment stinks from a historical stand point. Across 10 different asset classes, 40 years, and looking at both three, five, and ten year increments, gold, as a long term investment, fails miserably.

Of course, the gold bugs will tell you that you should be heavily invested in the precious metal to guard against hyperinflation. True, it will hold its value while the American dollar plunges below the value of Monopoly currency. The problem is owning gold will leave you standing pat. You may not lose but you’re not going to gain much either. Gold will not increase your wealth during inflationary times. Only a unique method of real estate investing will do that.

At Empowered Investor Network, we’ve made it our mission to teach you how to change your financial life for the better and increase – yes – INCREASE your wealth while the rest of the world is using the dollar for toilet paper. The method is income property investing. Donald Trump does it. Jason Hartman does it. Most wealthy Americans have assets like this as a major part of their portfolio.

Maybe it’s time for you to research this opportunity a bit more. We have a special arrangement that allows you to get started in a booming market (Atlanta) for only $5,000. Visit to learn how this low risk, conservative strategy can generate returns that put Wall Street to shame.

The Platinum Team

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