Get ready for the homeowner shift.

Here at Empowered Investor Network, we’re betting a major shift is already underway that will remove millions of people from “homeowner” status and turn them into renters. The reasons are pretty simple when you look at a few economic realities.

Factor #1 – the United States government continues to spend money like drunken sailors. Actually, it’s worse than drunken sailors because, last time I checked, they, at least, have the money to start with. The government doesn’t have money so it must print it, which inflates the dollar and erodes your purchasing power.

Factor #2 – As interest rates increase and credit tightens (this is already happening), the cost for businesses to expand will skyrocket, causing an inevitable slowing of the economy. Yes, even more than it is now. It’s going to be harder for people to get home loans so, you guessed it, they’ll be renting.

Wouldn’t it be great to be able to position yourself to create financial independence in the midst of the coming demographic shift? You don’t have to answer that question. It was rhetorical.

The secret is to own the houses these millions of people will be renting. The even deeper secret is you can get started in income property investing for as little as $5,000! Visit our website at to learn how.

The Platinum Team

Creating Wealth Show logo 2015

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