Freedom and fortune in the Internet Age.

If you think internet marketing is the wave of the future, you’d only be half right. It’s also the wave of NOW! Everyday average Joes and Jills are making tens of thousands of dollars monthly right now. This is not hype or wild speculation. This is merely the result of intelligently tapping into the biggest marketplace the world has ever seen. That’s what internet marketing is.

The old rules no longer apply. Your product sales are not limited to the specific number of people who happen to wander past your brick and mortar storefront over the course of a day.

No, sir. You can take your message directly to billions of people and, if you do it well enough, persuade them to buy what you’re selling.

However, marketing via the internet has taken on a completely new appearance over the past 10 years. Toward the end of the 1990’s, you could slap up a decidedly un-fresh website, buy some Google ads and plan on making money. Back then, surfers were pie-eyed and ready to leap with wild abandon on every passing offer.

We’re all a little more sophisticated now. We don’t fall for every web product with a pretty color or flashing flight. So, what works today? Well, the non-surprising answer is that creating wealth through internet marketing or a home-based business today is no different than creating wealth yesterday. Sure, the tools have changed. Access is far easier for the person without a bankroll for startup costs.

But you still need an idea and a message. In the coming days, we’ll talk more about how to create freedom and fortune in the Internet Age.

The Platinum Team

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