Find Time For Online Marketing

Between a real job and family, how can you find time to even begin building an online marketing business? Good question, and though there is no easy answer, we do have some tips to help you get started. Family obligations take time. So does a significant other. And then there’s that pesky little thing some of us like to indulge in called sleep. Is there even time between the cracks to give online marketing a shot? There certainly is and here’s how.

Prioritize and Focus
You only have so many free hours in the day, usually not nearly as many as you seem to need to give your online endeavors a serious go. Since the day won’t be getting longer, you need to assess the exact activities you do on a daily basis that are business related and make sure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. Prioritize what needs to be done and start down the list, marking off items as you complete them. And keep in mind that you don’t have to build a complete many-tentacled business empire before you throw the “on” switch. Start small and simple. Pick the easiest, quickest way to begin making sales and add to it as you go along.

One Goal
While multi-tasking can be of great benefit, some entrepreneurs spend their day hopping like bunnies from one thing to another. Pick one goal and finish it. Rinse and repeat. Put simply, do one thing at a time until that one thing is complete. And try this crazy idea: turn off all the distracting Facebook, email, and chart alerts that scream for attention when you fire up the computer. These are incredible time-wasters. Instead, do your productive work first and THEN tend to that mess. See? There is more time in the day than you think.

The Creating Wealth Team

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