Essential Considerations When Viewing a Property A Guide to All

For buying or renting properties, it is vital that you see a property in person. However, sometimes people miss the key elements during property viewings, often realizing it later. Make sure you are making the right decision and that there are no surprises in the future. Here are some key things to look for when seeing a property.

1. Exterior Features:

  • Curb Appeal: Evaluate the exterior appearance of the property, considering the condition of the facade, landscaping, and curb appeal.
  • Roof Condition: Check for the signs of roof damage such as missing shingles, sagging or visible leaks.
  • Foundation: Inspect the foundation for cracks, unevenness, or any trace of water damage which is an indication of structural issues.

2. Interior Layout and Space:

  • Room Sizes: Pay attention to the size and the arrangement of each room to make sure it suits your needs and taste.
  • Storage Space: Determine the amount of storage space available – closets, cabinets, attic or basement.
  • Traffic Flow: Take into account movement throughout the house and evaluate how the appearance supports lifestyle.

3. Structural Integrity:

  • Walls and Ceilings: Check for cracks, dampness, or water stains on walls and ceilings which may point to structural issues.
  • Windows and Doors: Examine the condition of windows/doors for proper sealing, functionality; any signs of drafts/leaks/
  • Flooring: Look for the floor boards that are uneven or creaking or signs of damage which will need to be repaired or replaced.

4. Utility Systems:

  • Plumbing: Turn on taps, flush toilets and look for leakages or water pressure problems.
  • Electrical: Examine light switches, outlets and appliances to test if they are working and to assure that they meet safety standards.
  • Heating and Cooling: Assess HVAC performance & ask about age and maintenance records of heating & cooling appliances.

5. Surrounding Area:

  • Neighborhood: Investigate your surrounding community to look at safety, noise levels, closeness to amenities and general ambiance.
  • Transportation and Accessibility: Take into account property’s closeness to public transportation, major roads and daily commuting routes.
  • Future Development: Research any proposed projects or constructions in the area that would influence property value or quality of life.

6. Legal and Documentation:

  • Title Deeds and Ownership: Check and confirm the status of ownership of the property and examine title deeds and other documents to ascertain legality and transparency.
  • Zoning Regulations: Acquaint yourself with the area zoning rules and limiting factors that may impede property use or future renovations.
  • Homeowners Association (HOA): Should it be applicable, look through HOA rules, fees, and regulations to get acquainted with any restrictions or commitments that relate to the property.


When you buy or rent a property it is critical to have a good look at the property to reduce mistakes and make an informed decision. Considering the above points, potential buyers/tenants can determine the property’s condition, appropriateness, and worth with assurance.

Comprehension Questions:

  1. What should you examine in a property viewing when looking out of doors?
  2. Why is it critical to inspect the strength of walls, ceiling and flooring?
  3. What did legality and documentation implications deal with when inspecting a property?