Don’t panic!

Don’t panic. Two of our favorite words in the entire English lexicon. Also very good advice from comedic sci-fi writer, Douglas Adams, in his very funny Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. But that’s not the point at all right now. We’re here to remind you not to lose your investing mind when it comes to the evening news and other nattering nabobs of negativity. Don’t freak and sell everything just because a talking head believes we haven’t seen the worst yet.

Stop and think.

It’s their job to keep you upset, in an emotional tizzy, and coming back to the idiot tube time after time. Since when has good news ever been a selling point for the national media? So, let’s review the three rules of investing in these disturbing economic times.

1. Don’t panic and sell everything, even if you’re in stocks, just because Jim Cramer rang a cowbell and frothed at the mouth.

2. Unless you’re aiming for residency in the high stress unit, and an extreme glutton for punishment, tune out the negative media. They don’t know more than anyone else and they probably know less than a great many.

3. Diversification, diversification, diversification.

See number three up there? If you need an education on how to achieve true diversification in real estate investing, call one of the Empowered Investor expert investors at 714-820-4200 and ask for The Complete Solution for Real Estate Investors.