Decrease your internet marketing learning curve

You’ve set your mind on becoming an internet entrepreneur. Good choice. We approve. As with any career, there are land mines to avoid in the beginning. Off the top of our heads, we can think of at least a few hundred but we’ll list some of our favorite guidelines for your edification, in no particular order.

1. Forget the “get rich quick” stories. Build your internet business for the long term, like you would any other business, and your chance for success increases greatly.

2. Don’t quit your real job right away. In the beginning, use spare time to study various aspects of internet marketing while you get up to speed.

3. Weed out the “get rich quick” schemes by looking for real world addresses and phone numbers on such websites. Send them an email first to see how quickly they respond, if at all.

4. When being solicited to spend your hard-earned money on marketing education, take recommendations, testimonials, and pictures of bank accounts and checks with a grain of salt. These are easily faked.

5. Stay focused, disciplined, and dedicated to the long haul. Successful internet marketers are passionate and do not give up easily.

6. Keep your business activities organized and accessible on your desktop. You should be able to find any file or email within 30 seconds.

7. Don’t send out high volume spam emails! It doesn’t work and just might get you banned by your internet service provider.

8. Don’t leave chunks of money in your internet marketing account. Sometimes weird things happen and companies randomly close accounts. Don’t let this be yours!

Follow these suggestions and you can radically decrease your learning curve, putting you that much closer to running a profitable internet business.

The Creating Wealth Team

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