Creating Wealth Boot Camp on the horizon

If you’re interested in learning how to build wealth through real estate investing, mark May 22, 2010 on your calendar. That’s when Empowered Investor Network presents the Creating Wealth Boot Camp. What’s so great about this educational event? How about this:

* 9 hours of actionable real estate learning – not esoteric theory. Take this stuff home and put it to work changing your family’s financial future.

* How to use leverage to ramp up your portfolio. Retire in as little as seven years using simple, repeatable, conservative investing.

* Choosing your first property.

* Avoid negative cash flow.

* Ignore “guru” media chatter and learn how to select profitable properties every time.

What we see as the real advantage to the Creating Wealth Boot Camp is it is a self-contained event, not simply a prelude to something bigger, better, and (by the way) more expensive. What you’re going to learn at this event is enough to go out into the rental property investing market and become wildly successful. Of course, many people don’t follow through with the requisite action necessary to build a portfolio but a few do. If you’re one who will, the Creating Wealth Boot Camp could be a life-changing experience.

We hope it is for you.

The Creating Wealth Team

Creating Wealth Show logo 2015

Flickr / nancyarora2020