Crash course in direct mail marketing – part 2

Yesterday, we touched on five critical factors to pay attention to in direct mail marketing. For those of you who missed it, you may pick yourself up off the floor now and return to your seat. Yes, we said direct MAIL marketing. Not email. There is a quite lucrative world of profiteering that exists outside the pixilated world of a computer screen.

Let’s take a quick look at the final five direct mail marketing tips.

1. Measure the right metrics: Return on investment is all that matters. Keep track of everything about your mailing. If you don’t know your own statistics, you’re not really running a business – you’re just throwing stuff out there.

2. Testing: Something as simple as how many people are in a photo on your mailing can have a profound effect on profitability. You have to constantly test to find out what works. Try different photos, fonts, etc.

3. Stay recognizable: Remember we said it takes 7 to 9 contacts to make a sale, on average. Keep some sort of cohesive theme going through the separate mailings so potential customers know the mail is coming from you. You’re building a trusted identity; don’t blow it by confusing them.

4. Get personal: Don’t write “Dear Potential Valued Customer #37.” That’s the kiss of death. Make everything about your mailing as personal as possible.

5. Don’t rely on a single method: Use multiple media and track the response. Websites, SEO, Pay Per Click, Ezines, Email, and Display Ads should all be considered in your overall marketing campaign. It makes no sense to cling stubbornly to one over another – until you prove it works, of course.

We’ve covered the basics of direct mail marketing the past two days. If you’re interested in learning more, there are several great books written on the subject. Put Google and Amazon to work for you.

The Creating Wealth Team

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