Cheap and easy home-based businesses

Granted, the phrase “cheap and easy” isn’t necessarily one you want customers to associate with your home-based business but we made you look, didn’t we? Creating an honest to goodness quality work from home company is probably never going to be easy but it doesn’t have to break the bank either. Following are four of our favorite home businesses you can start for less than $1,500 dollars.

1. Accountant – Depending upon the level of service you offer, education, training, or licensing might be in order. Consider beginning by offering a simple bookkeeping service for small businesses. Many of them don’t have the time or inclination to do their own correctly. Create a flier outlining your services and spread it around.

2. Bicycle Repair – Are you mechanical with two wheelers? There are creative ways to keep this from being a seasonal business. Rent a storage unit and offer to store your customers’ bikes over the winter. Tune-ups and repairs should keep you busy through the good weather. And don’t forget to solicit the Lance Armstrong wannabes. They train like crazy year round.

3. Cleaning service – Take a business like this in any direction you like. Focus on offices, restaurants, or residential. After you get a few clients under your belt, word-of-mouth should preclude the need to spend a lot on advertising. This business is great because the work is never ending. At the end of the day, almost everything needs to be cleaned again.

4. Computer Repair – If you’re a techie, why not put your skills to use fixing other people’s computer problems? This is another area that will likely never run short of work. With the proper training and licensing, you can charge higher rates. While the field is crowded with competition, good, honest work at reasonable prices never lacks for demand.

This is just the tip of the iceberg but maybe one of these ideas will get your gray matter cogitating on how to implement your own home business plan.

Good luck!

The Creating Wealth Team

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