Are Relations Between the Sexes in Total Disarray?

It goes without saying that socio-economic relations in the West are in absolute tatters. 

Years of government intervention and central banking chicanery have brought the West to a point of mass economic stagnation. 

However, the field of economics has gone beyond unemployment and GDP figures. It has even impacted the relations between the sexes. 

You see, the advent of feminism has fundamentally altered the relations between the sexes. 

Yes, feminism brought us good things such as political equality for women and their newfound ability for them to find employment in corporate America. 

However, there have been unintended consequences throughout this entire process. 

For one, women are beginning to out-earn men, which has effectively priced out many men out of the dating market. 

No longer constrained by strict monogamy, women can now date much more freely and not have to rely on men for basic provisioning as much as before. As a result, the provider appeal that most men used to possess no longer holds as much prestige. 

Now, many a professional woman has to look further upward for a suitable partner, which will likely be men making high six-figures or higher.

And guess what?

These “high-value” men have plenty of options to choose from and may not be so faithful to their partners.

Overall, what we see in the modern-world is a messed up dating market. 

And it has plenty of implications for all facets of economic life. Due to the rise of unmarried individuals, there will eventually be less demand for multi-family or single-family housing. 

Most housing arrangements will adjust to reflect this new socio-economic reality of growing numbers of bachelors and bachelorettes. 

We’re in for some interesting economic times to say the least. 

Our very own Jason Hartman had the chance to interview Rollo Tomasi, the author of the Rational Male and an expert in intersexual dynamics.

Make sure to check out this provocative interview to learn why the relations between the sexes have become so fraught in the modern-day.

P.S. Even with how socio-economically unstable the West has become, there will always be a demand for housing

People still must have a roof over their heads.

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