Are builders becoming courageous again?

Builder confidence for single-family homes jumped two points in May. This followed a five point increase in April, which left the Wells Fargo NAHB Housing Market Index at its highest point since September 2008. The index surveys builders and asks them to rate sales expectations for the next six months as “good”, “fair”, or “poor.”

In and of itself, there is certainly no immediate need to declare the recent economic turmoil at an end and nothing but wine and cheese on the horizon, but it is something to keep an eye on. One month could be a blip. Maybe two months is a shift in the underlying sentiment.

We shall see.

One thing we do believe is that things WILL turn around. Where are you going to be when that happens? Are you going to be on the outside looking in, wishing you were taking part in the greatest investment ever invented, real estate? If you take action right now, it could be you watching monthly rental checks piling up in your bank account as the United States economy picks up where it left off.

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