Acronym of the day: SEO

When you first dip your toes into this thing we call internet marketing, the alphabet soup of acronyms and code phrases can be mind boggling. It’s like another language – PPC, SEO and so on.

Today let’s talk about Search Engine Optimization, or SEO, a nifty little phrase that gets tossed around on blogs and other places. First question, do you know what a search engine is?

If not, think of Google, Yahoo, MSN, Ask Jeeves, or any of a dozen other websites where you type what you’re looking for into the handy little box and it returns page after page of results that may or may not be what you’re looking for. In any event, the “search engine” is the software working behind the scenes at these websites to sift through the billions of web pages and bring back what it thinks you’re seeking.

Back to SEO. Search engine optimization is nothing more than the process website owners go through to tweak certain things on their web pages to make Google, etc like them more and, theoretically, place it closer to the top of the search listings.

If you make it onto the first page of search results for a hot search term, you’re golden. Get ready for the flood of traffic.

The Creating Wealth Team

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