Income Property Investment Myths

Why aren’t more people investing in income properties when it’s the most lucrative, safest choice in history? Good question. Probably because people would rather watch television than improve their financial condition. Sure, everybody says they want to get rich but what are they actually doing about it besides flapping their gums?

Talking wistfully about something you have taken no action to achieve is called whining. Don’t go into the Green Parrot Bar in Key West with that attitude. It’s an official ‘no sniveling’ zone.

So let’s take a quick peek a some of the more common excuses people use to not get wealthy in real estate.

Reason #1 – “I don’t have enough cash.”

Sorry. Not a legitimate reason. Find a great deal and cash will find you. Negotiate the purchase price! Take equity out of your home – it’s losing value by the day in there anyway! Have you looked into the sweet $5,000 down deal Empowered Investor Network has arranged in Atlanta? Next!

Reason #2 – “I don’t have any time.”

Sorry. Everybody’s got time. You need to prioritize. We’re talking about your financial future here. Surely, it’s more important than three hours of slumming in front of the television or computer. Toss the kids and spouse in the car on a Saturday afternoon and cruise the neighborhoods looking for ugly houses for sale.

Reason #3 – “Everyone says this stuff doesn’t work.”

Everyone? Ask Donald Trump, Jason Hartman, or Steve Wynn. True, you’re probably getting a skewed perception of reality if your primary source of information is late night tv. This stuff does work when you do it right.

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Reason #4 – “Realtors are a difficult bunch.”

This is very NOT true when you work with Empowered Investor Network. Our local area managers are real estate agents who LOVE to work with you. If they don’t, we quit sending them business and, believe us, they want our business.

Reason #5 – “I might lose money.”

Real estate is way safer than the stock market. It’s funny. The pattern we’ve noticed over more than two decades in this business is, the more you education you get, the less risky real estate is. It’s a calculated risk, one you can control much better than Wall Street.

Reason #6 – “I don’t know what to do.”

You don’t need to know it all. You just need to know who to ask. Don’t let analysis paralysis get in the way of the rest of your life. It’s that important! Come to a Empowered Investor Network seminar, then set up an appointment with one of our expert investment counselors and then do it. Pull the trigger. Buy your first property. We’ll hold your hand if needed and advise you every step of the way.

Had enough myth-busting for one day?