Jason Hartman starts this solo episode by encouraging the listeners to travel and to become engaged students of life. He also shares travel packing hacks that have made traveling to different countries as simple as possible. Afterward, Jason reviews an article about the cost of rising home prices and what it means to rent. 

Announcer 0:00
This show is produced by the Hartman media company. For more information and links to all our great podcasts, visit Hartman media.com.

Announcer 0:13
Welcome to the creating wealth show with Jason Hartman. You’re about to learn a new slant on investing some exciting techniques and fresh new approaches to the world’s most historically proven asset class that will enable you to create more wealth and freedom than you ever thought possible. Jason is a genuine self made multi millionaire who’s actually been there and done it. He’s a successful investor, lender, developer and entrepreneur who’s owned properties in 11 states had hundreds of tenants and been involved in thousands of real estate transactions. This program will help you follow in Jason’s footsteps on the road to your financial independence day. You really can do it on now. here’s your host, Jason Hartman with the company leet solution for real estate investors.

Jason Hartman 1:03
Welcome to the Creating Wealth Show episode number 867 867. This is your host Jason Hartman and greetings from my very impromptu trip, which is technically a layover, a rather long layover. I am now in Helsinki, Finland. I’ve been here before I didn’t plan to come here on this trip, but you know, I got a ticket to go to Gdansk, Poland. And of course, Gdansk is a very famous city, you know what it’s famous for, right? Well, like Valensa, the revolutionary, right, who really changed the whole course of history and communism and Poland and everything, you know, and that’s, that’s a wonderful, wonderful thing because you know what? communism sucks. It’s a terrible thing. And, you know, having just spent a week in Riga recently Latvia where I was before talking to on the last episode, or the really the one before the last because the last one was pre recorded before I left for Europe on this trip, and it is amazing how you still see the vestiges of communism and of course, Europe is very socialistic. So you have all sorts of problems from that, because socialism is a disaster as well. So, anyway, it’s a great place to visit but boy, I’ll tell ya, it’s still lingers, unfortunately, that toxic toxic ideology that has really it’s responsible for the deaths of about 150 million people in the last hundred years. I mean, few things could be more evil than big government communism, and to a lesser degree, it’s it’s younger, younger brother that’s not quite as ugly called socialism. They are all disasters in any in any one of their permutations is just a matter of degree as to how much of a disaster it is.

It’s great to be talking with you here today, I’ve got to catch my plane here on my long layover and get to Gdansk. And I have not been there before. So I’m excited on this trip, I have not increased my country count at all. I hope I can fix that. There’s a couple new countries I want to go to but just haven’t gotten there yet. And I my country count stands at 8181 countries so far. And you know, one of the things that’s interesting and of course, this doesn’t have a lot to do with real estate investing, but we’ll get to that in just a moment here. One of the things that’s interesting about this is I think it’s very important to travel, obviously broaden your mind look at look at the way other people do things and, and just these subtleties, these incredible subtleties that you notice that are hard to explain what like real immediate value, they have to but they all come Get into your brain and into your thinking. And they really, really do change you and improve your life for the better. You know, I’ve often said that I think every everybody who wants to run for political office should be required to travel the world, and own their own business and be responsible for the livelihood of other people. You know, when you’ve got to have that stress of making payroll, of paying other people, there’s just no way you will understand how the world works until you really do that, you know, understanding that, that that is like a real responsibility. And of course, you know, having children or caring for your family, maybe your elders, same thing, but you know, doing it on more of a strict economic level, I think is very, very important. And it kind of brings to the fore some of my thinking when i when i get into these debates with people on social media, and so For political debates and so forth, there’s a few things that I think are important to think of. One is, is think about the concept of time, and the concept of age, right? And if you are 10 years older than somebody else, and if you are an active, engaged, curious person who is engaged in life, who is seeking knowledge and seeking experience, think about it. Every day, you got up, and you read articles. And every week or every month, you read books, and you listen to podcasts, and you have conversations, and you go on trips, and you have new experiences, and new thoughts that expand your mind in just 10 years. You have or that other person has over you, whichever way you want to look. Added if they’re 10 years older than you 3650 more days of experience.

So yes, this is a message to respect our elders. Also point that out to younger people who are younger than you are. Because it is incredibly important. Now certainly there are lots of human beings. Unfortunately, these sad souls out there who live the same day 3650 times over and over again and, and 10 years go by and they’ve learned nothing, they haven’t grown at all. They are basically the same person they were 10 years ago and that is a sad, sad state of affairs. The other thing that I think that’s interesting and important as a as a student of life that hopefully we all are engaged students of life is long time ago when I was maybe 17 or 18 years old, and I discovered audio learning And I discovered Denis waitley Zig Ziglar Earl Nightingale and Jim Rohn. The the four, you know, big mentors that really changed my life when I was a teenager starting at age 17. I remember Earl Nightingale talking about the importance of vocabulary. And I remember I bought the entire Earl Nightingale library, I saved up for it. In fact, it was cassette tapes, of course from Nightingale Conant, this Earl Nightingale library was uh, you know, came in a big box and it was a whole bunch of these cassette programs and I just couldn’t wait to listen to them all. And I remember Earl Nightingale talking about how how important vocabulary is and how each word that we learn is a whole nucleus around which all these thoughts are built in when when I’m traveling around in these foreign countries. It’s so fascinating because and I’m no linguist you know, I don’t know expert at This is just, this is just a very layman’s point of view, understand that just a just a kind of student of life type of view, you know, I’m not an expert, but, um, you know, of course you notice that all of these words are so similar and even if you don’t, you know, speak the language of the given country, you can still many times interpret the words and know what they mean, right? Just by looking at a sign you can kind of figure it out. I’m not much of a language guy.

You know, I don’t I don’t spend any time trying to learn a language when I go to a country anymore I used to many years ago and i i don’t know i just languages isn’t my thing. I’d much rather spend my time studying the economy of a country the history of a country, you know, the geography, meeting the people and you know, I hate to say it, it sounds like the ugly over entitled American the one I’m about to say but, you know, most people speak English anyway. You know, and granted i i’d love to learn some other languages, but I just don’t think it’s the best use of time. I think it’s better to learn about other things. Now that’s the way I look at it. And you know, everybody looks at it differently, of course, but it’s interesting how you can figure out what things mean because the English language has adapted so much from so many other languages. It’s really one of the richest languages on Earth, if not the richest, it has, I think, what six 700,000 words in the English language whereas French Spanish, German and Italian have about 150,000 words I believe, and that’s because English just like adopts all these other words, we just kind of steal them from other languages. So it’s kind of funny but you know, you think about that for a moment. Right.

And I talk when when I was doing my opening talk for meet the masters. A year and a half ago our meet the masters of income property event back in La Jolla, California in San Diego area. Many of you were of course there, you’ll remember my opening talk was on how you can’t hear the dogs that don’t bark. You can’t hear the dogs that don’t bark, right? And if you think about it, that language thing is kind of the dogs that don’t bark, right? So we look at people who know a lot of languages and we say, Wow, that is really impressive. And it is it is impressive. I’m not taking anything away. You know, I’m just saying it’s a it’s a question of how you’re going to allocate your time and your effort in this sort of pursuit of knowledge and this student of life thing. And if you spend your time learning another language, then that means you can’t spend your time learning something else, right. So you can’t hear the dogs that don’t bark. milania trumper our First Lady, I believe speaks six languages. She’s clearly not an idiot. Okay, love or hate Donald Trump. You know, whatever you want. I mean, he’s not an idiot, and neither is she he, although admittedly, Donald Trump sounds like an idiot a lot. Just Where does he get some of that? stuff? He says, like, seriously, Mr. President, please grow up. This is not a reality show. You got a huge responsibility here the biggest responsibility of any human being on earth is the American president. No question about it, right. But yeah, you know, you can’t hear the dogs that don’t bark. So if you close one door, or you open one door, and you spend your time, say learning a language, for example, then there’s something else you didn’t learn, because you could have spent that same time learning that, but it’s very important. Like when I was younger, I studied vocabulary. I had vocabulary cassette tapes in my car, I remember and my first year of college at going to Long Beach City College LBCC. I took a vocabulary class and it’s just in To see how each word is built on another. So I guess my point here is I’m just echoing what Earl Nightingale taught me years ago, is that if you want to gain more knowledge, if you want more tools with which to think, then increase your vocabulary. That’s really one of the fastest ways to do it. Because every word has this whole bunch of thought built around it. And with with a small vocabulary, you have a small number of tools with which to think, okay, like, like some languages don’t have much in the way of scientific terms and their language. And so these whole cultures are behind in the realm of technology, because their language just doesn’t have words for things. And so if you don’t have words for stuff, then you can’t know it if you can’t, if you can’t name it, right. So, so interesting.

Now, let’s talk about real estate a little bit here. We are way into the episode already and we haven’t even talked about income property, the most historically proven asset class in the world. Well, hey, today from Helsinki, Finland, I’ve got an offer you can’t refuse. Are you ready for an offer you can’t refuse. Here it is. So recently, we have revamped the property tracker website. It has a beautiful update to it. And of course those of you who use property tracker, I’m sure you are enjoying the new look and feel and the new navigation of that program. It’s, it’s really nice and and Fernando has led that project and he’s done a great job on it and Zack, our customer service person is doing a great job helping customers and Michelle, who you heard on the show before one of our clients, she worked on it as well and she worked really hard and did a fantastic job. So this has finally come to the fore. It has arrived It is here. And we want more people to get on board and use it. So here’s the offer you can’t refuse, you’re ready. Are you ready? The offer you can’t refuse is this sign up for property tracker. And when you do that, you will get a free one hour onboarding session with Zack, okay, you’ll get your first month free. And then it’s $27 a month, I believe is the current pricing through our affiliate program. And yet to do this, by the way, you have to go to Jason hartman.com. And you have to click on the resources page. Okay, we got to make this a little more obvious. It’s a little hard to find. But, but you go to Jason hartman.com slash resources, okay. And then you just scroll down and on the left side of that page, it says, platinum property analysis and tracking system. You know what, I’ll get our web developers to put something on the front page too, but When you sign up there, with our affiliate membership, you get the low cost of $27 a month or 247 per year. And again, you can cancel at any time on that monthly program. But the hardest part for most people is just getting it started. Once you get it started, it’s really quite easy. It’s just a beautifully simple program to use. So go do that go to Jason hartman.com slash resources, scroll down on the left hand column, and sign up for the Platinum property tracking and analysis software. And you will get a one hour free onboarding session with Zack so he will help you get your properties into the system. And once you get into the system, you will be hooked. It is great. It is a fantastic, fantastic system.

And before we get into a little more how to stuff I wanted to also tell you about another offer you can’t refuse which you may already know this one. It’s not a new one. But it’s of course our very high odds of winning the Amazon Echo at Hartman education comm that’s Hartman education comm slash contest. Hartman education comm slash contest. Go ahead and enter that for the Amazon echo the full size one. And Gosh, I just use Alexa all the time Alexa is the voice of echo and the brain of echo. So let’s see what she says today. Alexa, tell me a joke.

‘Alexa’ 16:31
Showing items matching sons.

Jason Hartman 16:33
Oh my gosh. Now, see wasn’t that embarrassing? Showing items matching sons? I didn’t say that Alexa, usually you’re so much better at this. Let’s try it again. Alexa, tell me a joke.

Did you hear about the cannibal who was expelled from school? She was buttering up his teacher.

Jason Hartman 16:52
Now that is a sick joke. Oh my god. Let’s try it again. Usually they’re not sick like that. They’re just very, very Yeah, innocent jokes. You can even ask Alexa to tell you a dirty joke. By the way, but it’s not gonna be dirty. Just warn you. Alexa, tell me a joke.

‘Alexa’ 17:15
What do you call a wizard in a frat house? An Abracadabro.

Jason Hartman 17:20
An Abracadabra, bro? Oh, like a bro like a frat bro. You can ask Alexa all kinds of things. You can ask Alexa to look stuff up on Wikipedia to buy you products to do all kinds of stuff. It’s just a really cool app. And by the way, that was Alexa on my phone, which is not as good as the real Alexa on the echo device. So there you go. Okay, so let’s talk about a couple of things here. So speaking of Amazon, right now, Amazon is set to get into the real estate business people are people are talking about this. This is the buzz in the industry. Amazon is Set to battle Zillow for some online Real Estate Services. We’ll see how they do it that it’s just something to mention. I don’t know what’s going to come of that yet. But I wanted to just put that out there. Elizabeth posted an article in our venture Alliance content group, which our venture Alliance members have access to. By the way, our next venture lions event is coming up in October in Palm Springs, California. Check out venture Alliance mastermind calm, but this is a very interesting article. And this is about the cost of rising home prices and what it means to rents.

Now, I have talked many times about the three dimensions of real estate of course and how rents and home prices have this interesting interrelationship right. And how the market cycle affects those two sides of the equation rents versus prices. You know, when when all of the rules Less informed, Ill informed or uninformed people talk about the real estate market. All you hear them talk about is how prices are going up. But they’ve only got one side of the equation there. They’re not talking about the entire picture. So guess what? rental rates. Rising home prices are pushing people to rent more than at any time in the past 50 years. According to a new report. A new analysis by the by Census Bureau data and the Pew Research Center found that more US households are headed by renters than at any other time since at least 1965. According to a market watch report, the total number of households in the United States grew by 7.6 million between 2006 and 2016. So that’s an interesting thing to look at. So in other words, there were 7.6 million new New households in that 10 year period 2006 to 2016. And remember, on past episodes, we’ve talked a lot about the shadow inventory. But then we’ve also talked about the shadow demand, the shadow demand for housing, very significant. So my mother, the extreme do it yourselfer that she is, is currently in California. And she is there to evict one of her tenants from one of our really old rental properties. That doesn’t make any sense from a rent to value ratio. we’ve, we’ve covered this on past episodes not going to go into it. My arguments with mom here, but she’s there, evicting the tenant, and she just got them out. And they on the lease, said that only two people were going to occupy that house. Guess how many people they had in that house. My mom talked to the neighbors and found out the whole dirty They had 10 people in that house 10 people. Now, if you actually think the economy is roaring and improving, it’s not what it seems to be.

Okay. I have said many times, that over the past several decades, the wealth of America is largely an illusion. Okay. People always talk about Oh, America is the wealthiest country in the world. Well, let me tell you, a lot of it is an illusion. Not all of it, not all of it, but a lot of it is okay. It’s built on the central banking cartel and the way they just manipulate money, create money out of thin air, blow up credit bubbles, so that there is this illusion of wealth. Okay, now, it’s not all an illusion. Obviously, some of it is real. I’m just saying that it has a multiplier. effect Well, hey, that’s what they call it fractional reserve banking and fractional reserve lending. It’s, of course, it has a multiplier by definition, it has a multiplier. Okay, that’s not a secret anymore. But the thing you’ve got to understand is that many people are left behind. And the middle class is just getting decimated. And you know, this is one of my big why’s I was talking to Elizabeth about this on on voxer the other day, and, you know, the middle class, like, this is my thing. Okay, this is really if you want to know what gets me up every day, and why I do what I do is because I want to save the middle class, okay? I don’t want to live in a banana republic. Okay, I want to live in a country with a large in a world, not a country a world with a large middle class. Because when you have a large middle class, you have stability. And that is a very nice thing. You go to all these banana republics, no, not the clothing store, by the way, but I really like banana republic. It’s one of my favorite clothing stores, just so you know. And if we have few minutes, I want to get to that packing stuff. A few of you asked me about that. I teased about that on the last episode. But a Banana Republic is where you have the very rich small number of those, of course and the very poor and a large number of those, and you have a very, very small middle class. And guess what in places like that, and Billy’s in Costa Rica, Nicaragua, and every other craphole around the world, okay. You have razor barbed wire, you have bars on the windows, and the people with money are basically living in their own prisons. But how That doesn’t sound like any fun to me. I mean, think about it just from the perspective of kidnapping, kidnapping, yeah, kidnapping, okay.

In the US, you can walk around and you can show off your wealth. You can be a conspicuous consumer. And there’s not a big likelihood that you’re going to be kidnapped. Now, it certainly could happen. But it’s it’s not common, right? But you try doing that. Some countries. Try doing that in Colombia, for example. Now Colombia has cleaned up a lot of that mass, but try doing it in Mexico. Okay, you make yourself a target, okay, and you’re playing with your life very, very dangerous. So a big middle class is a good, good thing. So when you have 10 people living in my mom’s rental property, when you have the households that grew by 7.6 million and the rents Being at the highest they’ve been in five decades and 50 years, the homeownership rate declining, which actually I think is just fine. I don’t have a problem with that. I think the homeownership rate is still too high. I know most people would say, I’m nuts. What are you kidding me? That’s a terrible thing. Why would you say that? Hey, look, folks, wake up. Not everybody’s meant to own a house, big deal. Renting can be a fine thing to do, as long as there’s some reasonably priced housing available for you. And of course, you see, with more regulation, we get constricted supply. You see that all over Europe, of course, where you’ve got this, you know, people live in these little tiny crappy flats and they drive crappy little cars and have a lower standard of living than Americans do. Because more regulation, there’s less of it in America, but there’s still too much of it in America. Okay. And, and so that’s the battle that will be fought and debated and argued about virtually forever. But yeah, an interesting article so percentage of households, households renting was just over 31% in 2006. By 2016, it had risen to nearly 37%. According to Market Watch, certain demographic groups such as young adults, non whites, and lesser educated have historically been more likely to rent than others. Pew Research said, however, rental rates have also increased among some groups that have traditionally been less likely to rent, including whites and middle aged adults.

Well, hey, I’m a renter. I own lots of rental properties that other people rent from me but I rent. I like the flexibility. It’s a great deal. Rent a high end home for yourself and own lots of lower end properties that other people rent from you. That’s that’s the perfect arbitrage. That’s the perfect side of the equation, given skyrocketing home prices. That’s pretty Perhaps unsurprising, according to Market Watch, just 45% of renters can afford the payments on a median priced home in their area in Riyadh. In really pricey areas like the West Coast, Florida, the Northeast, as few as 10% of renters, on average, can afford mortgage payments on a median priced home. Wow, that’s pretty scary. Actually. Adults, the article goes on to say adults under 35 are the most likely of all age groups to rent instead of own according to Market Watch last year 65% of all households headed by people in that age group, meaning under 35. were renting in 2006, the number was 56%. Okay, so you see, in basically 10 years, it went from 56% to 65%. That’s a huge increase in Just 10 short years, rental rates have also gone up among Gen Xers. Okay? So they’re talking about Gen Y, the under 35 group the Gen X or I’m a Gen X or technically I did make it into that cohort. Thankfully, I don’t have to call myself a baby boomer, still a Gen Xer, okay. among older baby boomers and other senior citizens though 65 and older, the rental rate has remained steady at around 20%. Market Watch reported. So, folks, I’m telling you, the demographics coming at the rental housing market in the next decade, are nothing short of phenomenal.

And guess what? I’ve been saying that for about five years. Back when I started saying five years ago, I probably should have said the demographics coming at the rental housing market in the next 15 years are nothing short of phenomenal, because if he asked me, you know by looking at the age demographics, the economy in general the The the gen wires that saw their their parents get burned in the Great Recession. rental markets going to be phenomenal for another decade. Okay, you should ride this wave easily until 2027. Okay, it’s, it’s an amazing time to be a real estate investor. And it’s also an amazing time to be alive. Alright, so I gotta wrap this up here. Got to catch a plane soon, but I’m going to use this extra couple of minutes to talk about a little bonus thing. Okay, and that is traveling and packing. Okay. Yes, this is not about income property investing. But, you know, I shot I thought I would share a little bit of my expertise here on packing. Because after having been to 81 countries and some of those countries many times over, I have done a lot of traveling in my life. And I have really, I think Learn how to hack packing and making traveling easy. So I’ll just share a couple things really to do this right, I would have to do a video so you could see what I’m talking about. B

ut let me just share a couple quick tips with you because after I teased about this, this subject last week, a few of you reached out and asked me Jason, tell me how to pack better. Yeah, I’m into it. Now I’ve read a bunch of articles on this. Okay. So I think I’m, I’m pretty expert on it. Sometimes when we do events, I will literally bring all the workbooks for the event. I will bring the projector I will bring all my clothing and everything in my dog and my dog stuff. My dog here is sleeping on the bed here in Helsinki, Finland. And we gotta we gotta go soon Coco. Coco has now been to what eight countries? I think eight countries. What an international dog over there. Yeah, pretty good. Anyway, um, so Yeah, make your life easier. Okay? First rule, don’t check your luggage. don’t check a bag. You got to just bring your luggage with you. It’s so much easier. Okay, it doesn’t get lost. I’ve had my luggage lost a few times and it’s no fun. It’s huge hassle. And sometimes it’ll be lost forever. But sometimes you’ll get back a couple days later. And, and avoid those extra fees just carry your luggage on the plane. So I used to have, I still have it, but I don’t use it. Inexpensive carry on bag. It’s that German company. You know, it’s got the wheels on it. It’s called a ravine I think or something like that. Anyways, like $600 I don’t use that anymore. The one I use now I have two sizes of these by DLC, you know? 72 bucks. Okay, cheap. And I like it because it’s just better, easier, lighter, more versatile. And I have the European size which I brought on my last trip to Europe and then the America And size which I brought on this trip, which, fortunately, none of the airlines have said I can’t take it on board. So it’s just a simple little bag on wheels. My outfit is basically that bag and a backpack. And I use packing cubes. Now, it becomes really important. When you start looking at what’s going in your suitcase that you use, and I kid you not this is a dog.

See, I woke up the dog and now the dogs making noise. It is very important that you pack thin fabrics, and you use the packing cubes that are the super thin ones made out of this nylon material. They weigh almost nothing they take up almost no space. Now you’re probably wondering, well what about those packing cubes that are compression cubes, and I have those, but I don’t really like them that much. They’re not that great. I find that just the whole suitcase is the compression cube. Okay, and all of the stuff inside it including all of your, all of your clothing, pack stuff that is thin, the fabric needs to be thin if you’ve got big bulky sweaters and things like that, that’s gonna be really difficult. And you can use those compression bags but I just think that the the compression bags only really work when the fabric is thick, bulky fabric like sweater type fabric. What I absolutely love is a brand called Smart wool and icebreakers, two different brands. And wool is this amazing fabric, especially this new modern version of wool and I don’t know how they treat it or what they do to it. But it basically is like a self cleaning fabric. It’s incredible. It really is incredible. So yes, you can cheat and you can wear it multiple times and it Not smell. And you just air it out, hang it up and yeah, iron it with a steam iron in steam irons clean. That’s basically cleaning. Okay, have you do you have a steam cleaner for your floor in your house? Yeah, well, that sanitizes Okay, it cleans things. So you can clean things with an iron with a steam iron with a lot of steam. So smart wool, I absolutely love warm, but very breathable. So if it gets warmer outside, then, you know it breathes pretty well. So I’m a huge fan of icebreakers and smart wall.

The other thing I’m a huge fan of is black. Yeah, black, black clothing. All of your clothing needs to match. You got to be able to put everything together in the same concept. So black goes with everything except what? Well navy blue doesn’t go with navy blue to well, right? But it goes with everything else. Okay, so you can work with jeans, you can wear it with whatever right and so have black as a staple of your wardrobe. Thin fabrics. Oh, huge difference like on my shirts. For example, if I have a polo shirt with a color that takes up a lot more space in my suitcase than a T shirt or a V neck, I kid you not. It’s that important. Okay, thinking about packing really thin light fabrics, it makes a huge difference. The other thing is, you’ve got to try and make it so you only bring one pair of shoes and that pair of shoes is on your feet. So it’s pretty hard to do. But you can shop around and find a very versatile pair of shoes that will literally let you get away with walking all around town. It will be very comfortable and you can also get into a nice club or go to a nice dinner and wear the same pair of shoes. Now there is one problem with only one pair of shoes. You’ve got to let your shoes dry because the moisture from your feet of course, you know that that’s going to make your shoes uncomfortable and unwearable. Okay, so you’ve got to let them dry out so you can dry them with a blow dryer in your room right. And the other thing is take the insoles out of them at night and just let them air out because you’re only wearing one pair of shoes. So that’s important. The socks you wear. I’m going back to smart wool there. I love smart wool socks. They are awesome. They are like these amazing, breathable, semi self cleaning socks in black that you can just wear and wear and then you know if you can’t get laundry very easily. You just take them in the shower with you. You can Some little detergent soap bit Rei in a little three ounce airline compatible container and you bring them in the shower. You just wash them now, I haven’t even done this yet, but you know, I’m ready to do it should the need arise. Okay? You know if you can’t if you can’t do laundry very well.

What else can I tell you? One pair of shoes thing is really big because shoes are a huge, huge space waster electronics. Do you know that? your iPad, you probably have an iPad can be a dual monitor. at home. I have dual monitors. And of course I love dual monitors. Many of you have those for your computer. But with your laptop, your iPad with an app called duet, can plug in to your USB port to your iPad, and it becomes a dual monitor. The app is called duet okay. And it’s in the Mac App Store. And I heard that it also works with PC if you are unfortunate Enough to own a PC. Just had to throw that in. What else can I tell you? Oh, so I just have that bag, the one DLC bag. Then I have a backpack, a tour to go backpack. I think these Tortuga Backpacks are phenomenal. They’re really durable. I have the smaller size. They make some huge ones. I tried them. I didn’t like them. They’re too big. But I also have a small packable backpack inside. And it’s a hike pro backpack that costs about 15 bucks. And it is nylon and it just folds right up and goes inside my backpack. And when I go around and I go to a coffee shop and I just want my iPad and my laptop with me, you know a few things jacket, whatever. I just take that little backpack and the big backpack stays in the hotel room. Obviously you’ve got to think about security, you got to bring your travel umbrella. Most of the time I forgotten that one way too many times. The backpack just goes right on top of the suit. case which is on wheels, so that’s real easy. What else? Can I tell you? Oh, by the way you pack. Okay, so I talked about these Eagle Creek packing cubes, right? I used to use those like the drawers in my dresser. But I don’t do it that way anymore.

And this is one of the 10 commandments of successful investing that I talked about is thou shalt diversify, right? Well, this also goes for your clothing and your packing. Here’s why. You need to pack things in the packing cubes that are complete outfits. The reason is, sometimes they’ll take away your suitcase on wheels at the airport and they’ll say that’s too big. We don’t have enough room, whatever. You can’t take it on the plane, we got to check it. So they’ll gate check your bag. If they do that, or if they’re like the obnoxious people at the airport in Paris, which won’t even let you go through security with it because they’re just have this loser French European attitude is bureaucratic idiots, right? I can’t stand that attitude, which is very pervasive around Europe. It’s one of the things that totally annoys me. It happens in America too, don’t worry, but it seems it seems to be more prevalent over here. And if they do that, and if that bag is lost, you want to have a complete outfit with you in your other bag in your backpack, which, you know, they’re, they’ll let you bring that on. So you got to have everything you need in multiples in that packing cube. So one packing cube goes in the backpack, maybe two if they can fit depending on the size of your packing cubes. And then three of them go in the suitcase. And in the suitcase. Also, I have a couple of empty packing cubes. What are those four, therefore the laundry, the dirty clothes, and they’re all different colored? So you know, I just shove the dirty clothes into those and then when I go to the laundry, I you know, because I’m on a long trip here What have I been gone like three weeks now and I’m I’m still going to be gone for a while. So you can just take those two packing cubes and all your dirty stuff is there. And then they just sit empty in your suitcase when all your clean stuff goes back into the other different color packing cubes, so have complete outfits in both bags, okay, socks on these shirts, pants, everything like that.

So I think that’s kind of most of it. I know there’s more to it on the packing or some of the electronics start using little like these little nylon mesh bags and have different sizes of them. Like I have one that I’m looking at now that all my cords and transformers are in. I’ve got a little mouse, which I never use, I probably don’t need to pack that, you know, and all these different cords and stuff like that for all the different devices. The microphone I’m using now, which I admittedly is not that great. And yeah, that’s it. So I never check anything. My dog has a backpack, you know, I want to make her self reliant. I don’t want her to become Like an over entitled Democrat, and you know, she has to carry your own luggage, the dog has to carry your own food and our own stuff. So, you know, teach your kids good values, right? And that’s it. All the electronic stuff goes with me in the backpack. So it’s with me at all times. It’s never in the suitcase. Yeah, I think that just about covers it. Oh, slippers. I always have a pair of slippers in my bag. You know, I just get those from, you know, whenever you stay at a good hotel, they should have slippers, ask for them if they don’t, but I always keep a pair in my bag. Yeah, that’s pretty much it. So I hope that helps. You know, I should do a video on this sometime. I know that had nothing to do with real estate, but all of you travel and thought you’d want to know and so I use the extra time to talk about that. Happy travels. Happy investing. Go to Hartman education comm slash contest to enter the Amazon Echo contest. Your odds are very good of winning. So do that and then also, make sure you Go to Jason hartman.com slash resources and sign up for property tracker and get your one free hour with Zack who will onboard you help you get all set up and property tracker, and you’ll absolutely love it. It’s a must for real estate investors. Anyway, thanks for listening. Happy Travels happy investing.

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