2046 FBF: Michelle Hawkins – Pensions Are Broken, Client Case Study & Investor Journey

This Flashback Friday is from episode 686 published last June 13, 2016.

Michelle Hawkins is a client who has attended a Meet the Masters live event and the most recent Creating Wealth Seminar and Property Tour in Cincinnati, Ohio. Michelle crunched her financial numbers only to discover that her pension was never going to be enough to support her during her retirement and she knew she couldn’t count on Social Security. Her investor journey started by reading all the investment books on the library shelves which led her to the sound decision of investing in income property. She shares her story and some sound investing advice.



Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:

1:53 Was the Orlando shooter on prescription drugs? If so, will anyone report on it?

8:22 The pension system will not support you. You need to find a diversified wealth creation system now.

Michelle Hawkins Client Interview:

14:22 Michelle highly recommends attending a live event. She is proof that it works.

18:23 The government basically says your money doesn’t really belong to you until they decide to give it back to you when you are 69.

22:19 Michelle and Jason take a hard look at inflation, real interest and tax rates.

26:51 Misconceptions about the stock market in Michelle’s research led her to investment in income property.

36:16 Physically vetting the system and the investment markets allows investors to buy with confidence.

Mentioned in This Episode:

Jason Hartman

Meet the Masters

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