2034 FBF: Pay Close Attention to The Millennial Demographic with Mark Fleming – Chief Economist at First American

This Flashback Friday is from episode 535 published last June 29, 2015.

Mark Fleming is the Chief Economist for First American Financial Corporation. He has been a trusted voice with over 20 years of experience in the mortgage and property information business. Mark talks on the housing collapse, where the housing market is today, and why you should pay attention to the Millennial and Baby Boomer market.



Key Takeaways:

Jason’s editorial

6:23 Jason does the math on a high-end property in a cyclical market versus a lower-priced property in a linear market.

12:26 Owning five diversified properties is much better than owning one expensive property.

18:11 If you want to be green, be a cash flow investor.

Mark Fleming Interview

20:31 Jason introduces Mark Fleming.

23:51 Before the recession, there was a lot of incentive to flip homes as oppose to buying a home to live in.

26:26 Texas, the Dakotas, and Oklahoma are considered the energy states and currently have a good real estate market.

29:01 Mark talks judicial versus nonjudicial foreclosures.

36:56 Pay attention to where Millennials want to live and where Baby Boomers want to retire.

45:26 Mark believes Millennials might marry later, but they will still have a high marriage rate.

48:16 We may see a major shift in housing when Millennials are in their mid 30s.

51:46 What should the home-ownership rate be? Mark believes 65% is the magic number.





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