1990: Discover 100% Free Financing & the Secret Science of Making Wise Decisions – Learn from Experts Jim Loehr and Sheila Ohlsson Walker!

Decisions, decisions, decisions! In this 10th episode, Jason talks to Jim Loehr & Sheila Ohlsson Walker, featuring their book, WISE DECISIONS, “a science-based approach to making better choices.” Find out how Y.O.D.A. (no, not the lil green guy from Star Wars) and  Epigenetics, the study of how your behaviors and environment can cause changes that affect the way your genes work, and can help one make better choices in life.

But before that, you as an investor will have to decide if our 100% Free Financing is for you! Learn how you can ‘advance your depreciation.’ And don’t listen to those nay sayers who say this is a bad deal- they’re just jealous they didn’t think of it first! Contact your investment counselors to find out if this deal is for you!



Jim is the co-founder of the Johnson & Johnson Human Performance Institute, which helped train and inspire more than 250,000 business, sports, medicine, and military leaders worldwide. He is also a world-renowned performance psychologist, researcher, and author of 17 books including his most recent, Leading With Character, and the national bestseller The Power of Full Engagement. Dr. Loehr holds a masters and doctorate in psychology and is a full member of the American Psychological Association. 

Dr. Sheila Ohlsson Walker is a behavioral geneticist whose work centers on how nurture (environment) shapes nature (DNA), and how we can create contexts in sport, school and nature settings that unlock the potential of our youth. A former professional tennis player, Dr. Walker translates cutting-edge science to equip coaches, teachers and parents with knowledge, skills and mindsets that promote flourishing in young people across life.

Key Takeaways:

Jason’s editorial

2:23 Decisions

3:14 Channeling your inner YODA (no, not the Star Wars kind)

4:22 100% FREE Financing offer and a sample investor and buying an airplane

7:41 Accelerating your depreciation

11:40 Contact us if you are interested

Jim Loehr and Sheila Ohlsson Walker interview

12:07 Decisions, decisions, decisions

12:57 It’s not taught in school for the most part

13:53 It’s a skill that can be learned

16:10 The science behind making wise decisions

18:13 The power of the pause

19:45 Moving from novice to expert by creating neural pathways

25:36 Start by writing a journal

28:38 Epigenetics- practicing intentional thoughts and behaviors

32:58 Why identical twins are not the same

34:45 It’s nature VIA nurture






Daniel Kahneman
Behavioral economics founder


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