1764 FBF: Positive Equity & Evaluating Real Estate Investment Opportunities in Indianapolis Indiana

Today’s Flash Back Friday is from episode 268 first published on July 14, 2012.

Jason Hartman’s monologue covers a range of topics, including:

Some thoughts on 3-D Printing and how it may mean fewer U.S. manufacturing jobs in the near term, Paul and Wohlers say the growing number of factories that likely will relocate to the U.S. should yield a net increase in employment.


The last show on “Abundance – The Future is Better Than You Think” and Jason’s desire to have Alvin Toffler and or Heidi Toffler on a future episode – American writer and futurist, known for works discussing the digital revolution, communication revolution, corporate revolution and technological singularity. Works include: Future Shock, The Third Wave, Power Shift, Revolutionary Wealth, Creating a new civilization, War and Anti-War.

Marcus and Millichap survey showing strong rental markets with limited rental housing supply and increasing rents in 39 markets nationwide.


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