1755 FBF: Adam Taggart – PROSPER! How To Prepare For The Future & Create A World Worth Inheriting

Today’s Flash Back Friday is from episode 619 with Adam Taggart originally published last January 11, 2016.

You may want to make sure your portfolio is diversified with a big chunk of hard assets before listening to this podcast. Jason’s guest, Adam Taggart, is the coauthor (along with Chris Martenson) of Prosper and The Crash Course. The books describe an upcoming extension of the 2008 credit crisis based on economic, environmental and technology-driven changes. They foresee a period of quick change then markets collapsing from the outside in.


Adam shares the book’s eight types of capital. Investing in these eight attributes will allow you to possibly weather the storm economically, physically and environmentally. And even if the storm never comes you will be smarter, more flexible and your wealth will be better protected.

Key Takeaways:

Jason’s Editorial:

[2:13] The next Meet the Masters in next January

[3:16] Buy the Meet the Masters Course for 2014 & 2015

[4:36] Income property is the most historically proven asset class

Adam Taggart Guest Interview:

[6:22] The Crash Course book details how trends will affect our future

[11:56] A small shockwave can affect the entire global monetary system

[14:07] The unpleasant side of a “glut” of oil and environmental depletions

[22:30] Debunking the faith in technology argument

[28:33] Economic systems are the easiest to change

[32:10] There is more net energy per capita than in any other time in history

[33:41] True wealth = The ability to rebound from adversity in any sector

[35:16] The 8 key components which make up capital

[40:01] The importance of your cultural capital

[42:52] The 2008 crisis had plenty of warning signs

[45:45] How long can this go on?

[49:00] Moving forward people should put their wealth into things which can’t be inflated away

[53:58] Contact Adam or learn more


Peak Prosperity

The Crash Course

Hartman Education

Venture Alliance Mastermind

The Future is Better than You Think

Longevity & Biohacking Show


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