100 episodes of Creating Wealth.

Return with us now to those thrilling days of yesteryear when the Creating Wealth podcast was nothing but a germ of an idea in Jason Hartman’s head. Now look how far it’s come – getting ready to drop episode #100 smack dab on the website. Think about that number for a moment. In television parlance, a show hits episode #100 after about four seasons on the air. The original Star Trek series only made it through 79 episodes when it first aired back in the 1960s. Does this mean Creating Wealth has had more of an impact than Star Trek?

Just messing with the Trekkers out there.

Creating Wealth may not be the exact cultural phenomenon Star Trek is…yet. We don’t have our own convention with Leonard Nimoy but one thing is clear – our show is making a difference in people’s lives. A REAL difference. We get emails every day from listeners around the world asking questions for Jason to comment on, telling success stories, and simply thanking him for the wonderful investing resource it has become.

That’s what makes it worthwhile.

Creating Wealth is about educating and empowering people to take control of their own financial destinies. It’s about providing a concrete method, a structured path to follow, that you can implement and build the kind of life you have only imagined. It can be done and Empowered Investor Network is dedicated to the task.

Vast Wall Street conspiracy? Probably. Doesn’t matter. We don’t need ‘em. Talk to you again after episode #200.