Twitter’s darkest secrets

You don’t have to surf far on the good old world wide web to find marketers screaming about how Twitter is the greatest tool since sliced bread for driving traffic to your website. To paraphrase Billy Joel, they may be wrong but they may be right – the jury is still out. If you find any hard numbers regarding Twitter marketing, let us know. So far, it all seems to be mostly circumstantial evidence.

A prevailing problem with Twitter is no one tells you exactly how to use it to drive all that traffic. Here are three ideas to try:

1.Tweet in blocks – It’s easy for a single post to get lost in in that long list of various tweets. To make sure your message is heard, post three or four times in a row, with your best call to action in the last one. It’s harder for skimming eyes to miss a block of posts.

2.Label your tweets – Put a blurb at the beginning of your tweets. Something like “FREE PDF REPORT” or “SECRETS OF THE DUNG BEETLE REVEALED.” The trick is to get your potential customer’s roving eye to stop for a moment and read your post.

3.Make your URL shortener of choice – is integrated with StumbleUpon and you just might accidentally get your message in front of their eight million users. That’s a good thing.

There are no guarantees that using Twitter as a marketing tool will skyrocket your sales but you won’t know until you try.

The Creating Wealth Team

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