Digital Dirt Can Ruin Reputations

If you don’t show up on a Google search, do you really exist? As lines continue to blur between cyberculture and “the real world, ” the answer, in all too many situations, is “no.” And what that search reveals can make – or break – lives on many levels. Whether you’re...

Immediate results with social media

It’s hard to talk about internet marketing strategies today without running into the concept of social media (SM). You know the usual suspects – Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, LinkedIn, etc. But simply opening a half dozen SM accounts and throwing content at it is...

I was a social media zombie

Blindly swinging a big marketing bat at social media like a child at a birthday party pinata might not be a productive way to spend your time. Right now, Facebook is the bright, shiny object that’s caught all our attention but what about numbers? Are the numbers...