Rent Costs Outpace Home Prices

It’s still a renter‘s market, but it’s more expensive than ever to become a renter. As a new article from NuWire reports, in many markets around the country, rent costs are rising faster than home prices. In a time when home ownership is at near-record low levels and...

Investing: 4 Trends For the Future

Fifteen years can seem like a pretty long time – and the year 2030 sounds like a date from a science fiction novel. But the future is now – and, as a recent article from Business Insider reports, today’s emerging trends will shape the investing landscape of tomorrow....

Inflation: An Investor’s Friend?

The specter of inflation strikes chills into the hearths of many consumers – even more than its cousin, deflation. But not all inflation is created equal – and for both the economy at large and for income property investors, some inflation can be a very good...

Renters Will Be Renters – Not Home Owners?

Time was, renting an apartment – or maybe a house – was just a temporary arrangement until you saved up enough to buy your very own home. But for a growing number of today’s renters, that scenario just doesn’t appeal – and that trend has big implications for investors...

Where Are The First Time Home Buyers?

The recovery from the much publicized housing crash of a few years ago may be hitting a wall, thanks to declining numbers of a group that’s essential to a robust housing market: first time home buyers. Although the US housing market continues to show encouraging signs...