Inflation: An Investor’s Friend?

The specter of inflation strikes chills into the hearths of many consumers – even more than its cousin, deflation. But not all inflation is created equal – and for both the economy at large and for income property investors, some inflation can be a very good...

For Successful Investing, Sweat the Small Stuff

It’s often said that the devil is in the details. But for investors, attention to some things that may not seem so significant can make a big difference in long-term returns. That’s the topic of a recent article and infographic from Visual Capitalist, which points out...

Failed Policies Keep Renters Renting

It’s practically a given in American society that owning a home is the key to stability and success. But although the US government has spent more than two decades drafting a variety of policies to create that “homeownership society,” the percentage of homeowners has...

Balancing Tenant Rights and Landlord Access

You’ve got a rental property occupied by (you hope) great tenants. But you can’t just leave that property on autopilot. Sometimes you need to get access to your property – but that means invading the privacy of your tenants. What’s an investor/landlord to do? The...

5 Investing Mistakes That Can Kill Your Career

In an uncertain world that’s getting more uncertain by the hour, real estate is arguably the smartest investment you might make. But all too many new investors end up broke, in debt, or saddled with properties that fail to fulfill their potential. And that’s usually...