World’s Richest Add $500K Per Minute

Newser –  The global charity Oxfam has a new report pointing out that the number of billionaires in the world has doubled since the financial crisis. Specifically, the billionaires’ club has grown from 793 in March 2009 to 1,645 in March 2014,...

Stages of Wealth Creation

Jason Hartman says that the beginning stages of wealth building are like a space shuttle take off. You’ve got to stock up on debt—quality, fixed rate, long-term, investment grade debt. Debt that’s attached to hard commodities in universal demand. These are the booster...

Inflation, Opportunity, and Maintaining Control

In addition to redistributing wealth from lenders to borrowers, inflation redistributes wealth from old to young. Older folks are typically on a fixed income, so purchasing power is destroyed as prices increase. Younger people generally have more debt, which is less...

Understanding Inflation

The first key to understanding inflation is to recognize the difference between real and nominal. If you think about a physical $100 bill, it is easy to understand that 50 years ago, it was still a $100 bill. We called it the same thing, it looked (mostly) the same...

Investment Options

While you have a variety of investment options, very few of them allow you to always remain in control. Stocks and bonds are fickly, unpredictable, and have bad leverage. They offer either low tax benefits or no tax benefits at all. They’re a paper asset, a fiat by...