CW 530 – Bob Proctor- Breaking Out of Your Box and Taking Control of Your Life

Jason invites Fernando to talk about the first inaugural event of the Venture Alliance mastermind meeting. Fernando says it was a small number of people who attended, but the value of information that he gained was priceless. Bob Proctor is today’s Creating Wealth main guest. He is widely considered one of the greatest speakers on personal development and he teaches people how to unlock their hidden abilities. Bob and Jason talk on the subject of creativity, taking control of your life, breaking out of your conditioning, and much more on today’s episode.

Key Takeaways:

[2:25] What did Fernando think of the first Venture Alliance mastermind meeting?

[10:30] It’s very difficult to find larger, more speculative deals on your own without the support of more experienced real estate investors.

[14:05] You can join Jason and Fernando on an informal Chicago property tour and just hang out with the guys on July 16th.

[15:40] Jason introduces Bob Proctor.

[17:05] Bob helps people recognize who they are, how to set goals, and much more.

[20:45] We’re conditioned to live the way we live and if that doesn’t change, the results don’t change.

[26:55] The U.S is filled with creativity compared to other countries like China, for example.

[29:50] What’s Bob’s thoughts on The Secret?

[34:25] How do we find our purpose?

[38:05] Bob gives some quick tips on how to accomplish your goals.

[39:35] Do your work, put your heart into it, and the sky will clear.

Mentioned In This Episode:


Some speculative deals could be home runs with proper due diligence and research.

We got to learn who we are and what we’re doing. When we start to really understand that then we’re in control.

Creativity is the opposite of routine.


Jason Hartman:

Welcome to the Creating Wealth show, this is your host Jason Hartman and we are at a 10th show today. Episode number 530, episode 530. Our guest today will be the ever so famous Bob Proctor. You’ve certainty heard his name, I’m sure. He is a very well known success coach, you know, involved with The Secret and many books and programs and so forth and just a really good interview with him as we talk about all of the mind sets necessary for success and growth and abundance in our lives. So, we’ll get to him in a moment, but first, I am coming to you today from the beautiful Hilton, La Jolla, California and I’ve been at a mastermind meeting here for the last couple of days.

I am with Fernando. We are out on the golf course and also we have Coco, my dog, here. Coco, say hello. Can you say something? Nah, she’s not saying anything is she Fernando? I think she might speak because she’s very intrigued by these birds and animals here and movement. A little bit of wind too, so. Anyway, Fernando, I wanted to get a little bit of a recap and your thoughts on our Venture Alliance mastermind, our first inaugural weekend that we finished Sunday afternoon. Comments?


I enjoyed it quite a bit. It was, as you said, it was the inaugural event. The venue was beautiful. San Diego was just very nice and the venues, you know, the meals that we share together, I think were top of the line. I really enjoyed it. The meetings were very productive. The comments that I received and personally what I thought was the most helpful part of the mastermind was really having the people do the round robbing on the hot seats and explain to the group, what their aspirations are, and ideals on how to go forward with their portfolio. I think that helps everyone in the group, not just the person that is in the hot seat and it really brings a sense of community and a sense of…


Intimacy was my word.


Yeah. You don’t see in a larger group. It was a smaller group and I think it was just the right number of people, the correct format for jelling to occur between the members. I enjoyed it quite a bit.


Good, good stuff. You know, I got to tell you, you don’t know that I’m going to say this, but one of the highlights for me, in addition to what I already mentioned on the last episodes intro, of course the hot seats were fantastic, the venues, all of the venues were fantastic, but I tell you one of the highlights for me, Fernando, was seeing the expression on your face as you and your lovely wife walked in to George’s in La Jolla for lunch and what was especially intriguing was, you know, you are a wealthy guy, okay, you know, you’ve been to beautiful places around the world and nice restaurants and so forth, but I wish I had a camera for it, because the expression on your face when you walked out on the terrace at George’s and you just said, beautiful!


We were very impressed. I mean, I haven’t been to La Jolla. It was just the views and you know, one of the things that we did that was kind of unexpected was a Segway ride and we got to ride along the coast, just beautiful scenery and just it was very joyful. My wife and I both had a great time. The events were just about the right, I guess, intensity for the group to really get to talk a lot and really the networking and getting to know people on a deeper level is a big part of the mastermind. You don’t see that in other formats.


Yeah, it’s a deep personal level that community, that, as I always say, the stock and trade of friendship is shared experience and so one of my big goals with the Venture Alliance mastermind is to have people to share experiences together so that they can, if they choose to, it’s no requirement too, it’s just a one off thing, so that they can do deals together, so they can invest together. That’s the idea.

Get people to be in this friendly intimate community, orientated environment, so that they really know each other, because on the spetrum of investing, you have what I believe in and still believe in and have believed in for many, many years is that people should be a direct investor so they don’t violate command number three. So, they don’t leave themselves susceptible to the three major problems.

So, the three problems with not being a direct investor is, you know, might be investing in with a crook, an idiot, or someone taking all the money off the top. So, the way that the people get to vet each other is they hear them speak. They know their level of experience. They know where they are, they know their level of intelligence and so when they do deals together, you know, it’s – hopefully they trust each other and, you know, they vet them that way by just the personal relationship of knowing them. They know their level of competence and then also, you know, there’s not a management fee off the top, any big management fee of a fund manager.

So, like in a Wall Street or a traded investment. So, that’s really my goal for the Venture Alliance, to create this environment for people to do deals together. Now, of course, at our normal events, meet the masters, Creating Wealth, we’ve had clients get together at those events and I highly recommend, and, you know, those are super inexperience that people just attend some of those live events so that they can meet us and meet our clients and go from there. Yeah, that’s good. Other comments on that before we get to our guest today, Bob Proctor?


Well, just to kind of round off the weekend of Venture Alliance, we had a guest come in to talk and give a perspective on his own mastermind, I think that was very useful.


We’re at his mastermind the last three days here.




We have had five days of masterminding here in a row, you know, Fernando. We had the Venture Alliance over the weekend and then Monday morning we started here at the La Jolla Hilton with another mastermind and this is the third and final day of it.


I think by the time we’re done this week, our brains are going to be full – there’s so many nuggets and I hear this from people who were there and I can see it myself where you learn so much and perhaps it won’t just give you an idea right away, but it will go into your radar screen and maybe a few months from now something that somebody mention will trigger and you’re ready to take advantage of that.


It germinates. The seed is planted. Sometimes it’s even planted subconsciously. A lot of it in that way, it’s the concept of not even a specific idea or technique, but the concept of you can do it too, because you see all these people around you and you see what they’re doing and you know, they’re just regular people who happened to take action on something and people have different size portfolios, different businesses, different investments. So, I think that’s another part of it. Not just a specific idea or technique, right?


Of course, as far as the business at hand, you presented a couple of packages, all over there, great job presenting one of the packages, you presented yours.


When you say package I just want to define that for the listeners who obviously weren’t there. Most people weren’t, I presented a couple of deals that I’m working on to the Venture Alliance. One of them really interesting and exciting, but kind of speculative, like I would never present that on the podcast or at one of our bigger public seminars. It’s specifically for this kind of exclusive group. That’s a real exciting potential giant home run that could be an 8 million dollar investment that turns into, who the heck knows, maybe it’s a $40 million dollar investment, $40 million dollar cash out deal on that.

So, you know, who knows what it might turn into, could be a flop, I don’t know. It’s a speculative deal, like I said, but occasionally some speculative deals could be home runs with proper due diligence and research, obviously, not totally speculative and then Oliver, our analyst for the Venture Alliance, he presented a portfolio of homes, you know, and I can’t remember how many were in that one. Was it 30-40 houses or something?


I don’t remember.


I don’t remember either, but yeah, he looked at that. So, that’s what you were saying.


I think that was very interesting and gain, people don’t get to see these deals if you’re not part of that community. It’s very difficult for these larger deals to show up in front of you and with the guidance and the filtering that happens for them to even be presented, it comes with value. If I have it vetted by people that been in the business for awhile or people that are involved in real estate, I feel very differently about how the deal might make sense for me or not. I would never go out and find this on my own, it’ll just be too speculative. So, another piece that we did, we presented our vision for our company that we are forming together and I got good feedback out of that as well.


The software company.


The software company and I think that was very valuable and we also presented that at this mastermind. We got very valuable feedback on that.


A different kind of feedback.


Yeah. Just different angles and, again, the intimacy and the networking, the level of trust that happens through a mastermind really pays for itself when you get that straight feedback and you’re not looking for people just to shake their heads and agree with you, you’re looking for truth, does this make sense?


That’s what happens when you deal with vendors, contractors, and employees, they tend to nod their head yes. The kind of the yes man syndrome, right, but here when someone doesn’t have a direct stake in it, you’re going to get some constructive criticism and that’s what’s good. The other amazing thing about our Venture Alliance meeting is that like, you know, you can present something and someone will throw out just one little nugget, one little resource, one little connection. Oh, I know so and so and I can introduce you to them, and that, that one little thing could be worth half a million dollars. It’s amazing.


Exactly. Well, we just had the example today, right?




One of the members, Corey, mentioned one of the companies that I work with that does rent collection and what did you say, he can save $400-500 a month or something like that just from that little comment and that is awesome. I obviously learned quite a bit especially from him, but it’s just an example of the exchange that happens between these masterminds.


I think that summed it up pretty well. So, we’re not going to talk about Venture Alliance on every podcast, don’t worry folks, we just came off that weekend and we’ve been at this other mastermind, so we’re kind of jazzed up about it, but and last but not least before we get to Bob Proctor, our guest today, I want to let you know that Fernando and I are headed to Chicago and Grand Rapids, two markets of ours.

One where we’ve got some interesting land contract opportunities in Grand Rapids, some interesting single family home investment opportunities in the greater Chicago area and we are headed there next month. We will be there in July and this is not a formal property tour. We were trying to plan one for somewhere around July 25th, but it just isn’t coming together for us for various reasons so what we wanted to do is something a little bit different, kind of along the lines of our private tour option, which some of you have taken us up on where I go meet you in a city or another investment counselor meets you in a city and we do a private property tour for you.

This won’t exactly be that, but it’ll be a little bit of a, we’ll call it a hang out tour type thing. We’re going to be there. We figured if a few of our listeners want to come along and join us, we might as well have that. We’re going to put something on the website with very reasonable pricing if you want to join us and we’ll probably start in Chicago and we’ll head over to Grand Rapids, that’s about a three hour drive. It’s probably a very pretty drive because you go right around the Great Lake, so I think that’ll be neat and you can just join us and hang out with us for a few days. Fernando, do you have the exact dates on that?


Yes, it will be July 16th through the 19th. The 19th is Sunday and the 16th is Thursday, so it might be a good idea to plan on getting there late on the 15th, which is Wednesday. We would then take advantage of the full day on the 16th and 17th and 18th and then on the 19th we’ll wrap it up just Sunday. After the event, Jason and I are going to another mastermind meeting in San Diego.


In San Diego, yeah, back here.


So, we’re flying back Sunday night from Chicago to San Diego, so these are the dates.


My life is starting to feel like one giant mastermind meeting.


You’re going to be the master of your mind soon.


There you go, hey, Napleaon Hill is right, these things are so valuable. I just can not believe it. It just can cut years off your learning curve and your success and growth curve, so it’s really a great thing. Anyway, hey thanks, let’s get to our guest, Bob Proctor today. Check the website for updates on our Chicago, for lack of a better name, hang out and tour. An informal property tour, no seminars, just an informal hang out with us and tour around and we will go from there. Okay, here’s Bob Proctor and let’s talk about success. It’s a 10th show.

It’s my pleasure to welcome Bob Proctor to the show. You’ve probably heard his name. He is chairman and co-founder of the Proctor Gallagher Institute, author of many bestselling books including Spiritual Marketing: A Proven 5-Step Formula for Easily Creating Wealth from the Inside Out also You Were Born Rich: Now You Can Discover and Develop Those Riches. Author of the new book The ABCs of Success: The Essential Principles from America’s Greatest Prosperity Teacher. Bob, welcome, how are you?


I’m just doing great, Jason. Thanks for having me on your show.


It’s good to have you and you’re coming to us today from Toronto, Canada, is that correct?


I am in Toronto, that’s right. I’ll be in Phoenix tomorrow by noon.


There you go. Well you know Bob, I’ve been following your work for many, many years. How long have you been doing what you do?


55 years.


Wow. That’s a long time.


By almost anybody’s standards, I guess.


It sure is and I think maybe the dean of personal development moniker needs to switch from Earl Nightingale to you possibly given that length of time. That’s great. Good stuff. Tell us a little bit about your general philosophy of success. You know, your body of work is so large. How many books do you have, by the way?


Oh, I don’t have that many books. I’m more into programs. I only got three or four books, but I’ve got a lot of different programs that if, there’s instructional work showing people how to recognize who they are. How to change their self-image. How to change their paradigm, how to set proper goals and then how to achieve goals. Setting goals and achieving goals are two different things. So, I created a lot of programs and I’ve been doing that for a long time.


If we were to sum up the, you know, the Bob Proctor ideology or philosophy, is that possible to do? Can you kind of do that? Just give us sort of the high level and then I want to dive into a lot of this stuff.


Well, I don’t really know if I can do that. I believe that we are God’s highest form of creation. I believe we’ve been given creative tools that we have habitually have failed to really understand and develop. So, I believe anyone can achieve anything that they can think. Solomon many, many centuries ago said that, “As a person thinketh in their heart, so are they.” We become what we think about. All the great teachers have taught that. That’s the one point that all great leaders have agreed on. They disagreed on virtually everything else, but they have agreed on that one point. So, that’s really what I teach people. I show them how to control their thinking, how to understand their mind, and how to make changes in their condition behavior.


Excellent stuff. You know, it all starts with those foundational things. You know, we are all given a set of circumstance and Voltaire liken life to a game of card saying something to the affect of, “we can’t choose the cards we’re dealt, but we must choose how to play those cards in order to win the game.” And circumstances do not make the person. It’s controlling our thoughts and our own beliefs and self-talk isn’t it?


Well, James Allen said that circumstance doesn’t make the man, they reveal him to himself. The circumstance are the expression of what’s going on inside. He said, “Mind is the master of power that molds and makes and man is mind and evermore he takes the tool of thought and shaping what he wills bring forth the thousand joys or the thousand animals. We think in secret and it comes to the past. Environment is but our looking glass.” That’s the difficult one to accept for a lot of people that their environment is their looking glass. It’s an expression of what’s going on in side, you know?


It’s not the other way around, is it? So, how do we get control of our thoughts? I mean, some people really struggle with that. You tell them think differently about this, but you know, it’s not just a matter of saying do that, is it? Or is it that simple?


No, it’s not. It’s not. Listen, there’s a very small percentage of the population who are in control of themselves and yet that is one of the key things in life. If people have learned how to take control of themselves, they could have anything they want in their life and we’re not taught enough about ourselves. We’ve got to learn who we are and what we’re doing and when we start to really understand that, then we’re in control. Napleaon Hill said, “The person who masters himself through self-discipline can never be mastered by others.”

Well, most people are mastered by something that’s going on outside. Our thinking really controls us, but our paradigm generally controls our thinking. We don’t think thoughts that cause a respectable amount of discomfort. We’re conditioned to live the way we live and if that conditioning doesn’t change, the results don’t change and it changed the results, it causes a lot of discomfort. People have to understand that and they have to understand what’s involved in changing the conditioning. That’s essentially what we teach, Jason.


They sure do. So, I want you to drill down on that, if you would, but explain the concept of paradigm for a moment, if you would.


Well, a paradigm is nothing but a multitudes of habits and if you go back, how did you get here? You were conceived. Your little particle energy from mom, your little particle energy from your dad came together and they became the nucleus of you. 280 days later, you made your debut on the planet. Now, during that 280 days, you were developing, but you were developing from mom’s DNA and dad’s DNA.

That’s called genetic conditioning, that’s why you look like your relatives, then after birth our subconscious mind is wide open. Our subconscious mind has no ability to reject. It’ll accept anything you give to it and the subconscious mind was programmed by the people that surround. We are a product of our environment. We’ve heard that a thousand times and that’s why.

If you were born in America, you’d probably grow up speaking English. If you were born in China, you’d probably grow up speaking Chinese. If you were taken out of your home, an English-speaking home, and put into a home in China, you’d still grow up speaking Chinese and have no knowledge of the English language. I had an associate over in Kalupur. He had a little born, four years old, could speak four languages fluently and no one thought anything of it.

Well, the paradigm is that conditioning. It’s all but conditioning. Genetic and environmental that has come together. Our self image is formed before we can even develop the ability to think and so all of that conditioning is intercept conscious mind. 90% of the population goes through life never changing it. If it’s changed, it’s changed very little, but no dramatic changes.

Every now and then someone makes a huge change. I was one of those people. I didn’t have any idea what I was doing, but I wasn’t satisfied with the fact that I made a huge change, at a particular point, I decided how did this happen? I was earning well over a million dollars a year. I had no formal education. Two months highschool, I had no business experience. I was running a company in seven cities and three countries and I thought, you know, this doesn’t make sense and so I started to study. I wanted to find out what happened and since that was what I was looking for, that’s what I found. Seeking, you’ll find, is good advice.


Right. It’s really amazing and I love how you say that all of the leaders from every religion, they’ve all agreed on this thing that we’ve become what we think about, that as we think social, we become, but we’ve got to figure out how to control those thoughts. So, you know, maybe a little bit more, Bob, on controlling those thoughts, but also, you know, once know how we control them, we have the tool kit for controlling our thoughts, what should the thoughts be?


Well, first of all, they should be whatever you want them to be. We were given the ability to choose. J. Martin Kohe wrote a marvelous book one time called Your Great Power and your greatest power is the ability to choose, but learning how to control them is a life long process. All of nature’s creatures respond to outside stimuli. We’re being bombarded with colors, with sounds, with people, with all kinds of stuff, our sensory factors are picking all of this up, that’s mental activity, most people refer to that as thinking, it’s not thinking at all. The average people doesn’t think. So, Earl Nightingale used to say the average person said what they were thinking, they would be speechless.

We have higher faculties. Einstein put it very well. He said, the intuitive mind is a sacred gift. The rational mind is an obedient servant. We have created this society that is honoring the servant and has forgot the gift. We have never been taught how to utilize our higher faculties, we have perception, intuition, the will, reason, imagination, and memory and these higher faculties are what enable us to choose our thoughts, to alter the course of our life, to alter our life, to control our health, to control our wealth, to control our relationships, but we’re not taught how to utilize these marvelous tools in school. In fact, they discourage you from using them in many schools.

When a child is pre-school, their imagination is in high gear. They’ll sit and they’ll take a top off a pot or something, a little baby, and turn it into something in their mind. You don’t know what they is, but they play with almost anything. Their imagination at work, then they go to school and it’s called not paying attention or day-dreaming and they’re punished.

Well, pretty soon, they stop using their imagination and as a result, we got enormous corporations world wide with little tiny creative departments. What they don’t understand is the whole company is a creative department. No one is more creative than another, it’s just that some are utilizing more of their creative potential than another.


Yeah, so, creativity in our culture, really, in many ways has discouraged that, but you know, Bob, in comparison, you know. I always like to say, compared to what? In comparison when you look at, I think that’s one of the huge advantages of the United States and Canada, but the US has really got that rugged individual thing going on for them, right, because that’s part of the founding. That’s the conquering the West. The whole, it’s kind of part of the American ethnic and that, there’s just a lot of creativity, here especially, when you compare it to especially to say, China, for example.

You know, very good at copying things, very disciplined, but again, the creativity, that’s where the money is. That’s where the, you know, there’s just so much innovation, you know, you look at these tech companies and you look at Uber and Lyft and Airbnb and you think, why didn’t I think about that? You know? Facebook. I mean, those are simple ideas relatively speaking, but again, when there was nothing to copy, you have to be pretty creative to come up with that. It was a new paradigm, wasn’t it?


Well, creativity is the opposite of routine. You see, I think we go through phases. The internet, broad and enormous wave of creativity. IT was the wild west. IT was a new concept and it’s really just moving into high gear. So, there’s always been a small group that have been very creative. They don’t follow routines. They make breakthrough. They are always interested in making something better.

You see, obviously there’s no right way to do anything. It can be a good way, it can be a valid way, but there’s always a better way and American does lead the world in that. I think America is the greatest country in the world and I think it is because of the innovative ways, the entrepreneurial spirit and I guess it goes back to how the country was originated, but phenomenal opportunity for people, but that creativity is only really exercised by a minority of the population where everyone could do it. I think our education system has to change and change dramatically.


Oh, you’re darn right about that. It’s a mess. I mean, for all of the money we’ve thrown at it, it’s still, it’s still a pretty lame thing.


Well, first of all, we don’t have an educational system. We have a system that helps people gather information. Education isn’t remembering things, it isn’t studying a book and coming up with answers. It comes in a Latin (29:07?) meaning to educe the developer to grow within. I think Madam Montessori put it best. She said that, “The child is not like a cup that you try and fill up with knowledge, but the child is like a cup, the cup is full, but what we want to do is bring it to the surface. All the knowledge, all the power that there ever was or ever will be is in the present.” The way to do anything is already here. If you can think it, what you’ve done is move your mind onto a frequency that it exists on and then hold that image and you can actually cause it to manifest.


Yeah, very good point. Speaking of manifestation. It’s been maybe, what, 15-16 years since The Secret. I would love to get your thoughts on that given that it’s been out there for so many years now.


It came out in 2006, so it’s about 9 years. It was a phenomenal breakthrough. Rhonda Byrne did a tremendous job. It’s upwards of half a billion people that its inundated, it just bombed their mind and I think it woke the world up. I think it’s made a phenomenal difference. The Secret caused people to think.

Now, there was, I believe, The Secret lead people in the wrong direction in one respect, it teaches you can have anything you want. You don’t get anything you want, you get anything that you internalized. You gotta take the want. The want is in the conscious mind and that’s not where the power is. The power is in the subconscious. That’s the universal intelligent and you got to take that want and deposit in the treasury of your subconscious as William James from Harvard used to say. When you’ve done that, you move yourself into a new vibration. You setup and attract the force. You move different. Everything starts to happen. The Secret really lend people on to that. It’s done a phenomenal job.


Yeah, it sure has. You know, Bob, but one of the misnomers of The Secret or the way people have maybe misused the concept is, you know, they’ve kind of sat back and think, well, if I just keep thinking this, it’s going to just drop into my life without work, right? Do you want to kind of drill down on that concept a little bit?


Absolutely. Listen, no amount of thinking or memorizing is going to make a person successful in life. It’s the understanding and application of wise thoughts that count. You’ve got to move into action. You gotta get out there and do it. You can sit and think until you’re an old, old man or woman and it’s not going to happen. You got to internalize the thoughts, which produces the action.

See, desire is nothing but an idea that has been turned into your emotional or subconscious mind. True repetition, it takes root and it starts to grow. The Secret came from the book, The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace Wattles. In that book, he points out that desire is the effort of the unexpressed possibility within, seeking expression without through your actions. So, you gotta build the desire. You gotta get whatever it is that you want churning in your subconscious. You really got to get white hot with it.


Good point. Good point. Tell us a little bit about what you’re up to nowadays. Your latest and greatest venture that you’re working on.


Well, first of all I’m building a studio in my backyard, literally. The studio is cutting edge. I’m going to be able to press a button and two cameras with 14 inch or 21 inch teleprompters on them come out of the ceiling. There’s a couple of other cameras on tripods in there. It’s in a floating room. It’s sound proofed. There’s a building within a building and I’m going to start pumping out a lot of great work. We’ve put a lot of stuff on YouTube and I’m starting something called the Inner Circle and the Inner Circle is going to be live. It’s going to broadcast for two hours a week. Anyone can join it.

It’s a membership site so they don’t happen to be there when we’re broadcasting, they tune into the recording of it, but I’m going to show people how we do what we do. We operate very fast. We have phenomenal team of people and we come up with an idea that idea is out to market within a week. I mean, we really move fast. We have a design team. We have a marketing team. We just got a great group of people and we work very fast. We’ll be talking about how I prioritize my day, what I’m doing that particular day, how I’m doing it. Projects I’m working on. How I do get them to market fast.

While the show is on, if I come up with a spot for a book before the show’s over, I would have the design of the cover of the book right there with me. It would be done. I would have the design finished. We’d be able to put it up and show it to everybody. We have the outline for the book. This would all be done in two hours. There would be no hanging around until it got ready. We’re going to show people how to do it. A lot of people want to know, how do you do this, how do you do that, how do you spend your days. That’s what we’re going to teach them.


Yeah, fantastic. Excellent, excellent stuff. Bob, you have some good content out there on how to find your purpose and I think a lot of people struggle with that. Maybe they agree with and they’ve internalized the concepts you teach and others have taught throughout history about, you know, everything that we’ve just discussed, whether it be goal setting and the controlling of the thoughts and the paradigm and so forth, but they don’t know where to go with it exactly, you know, what they want in life. How can someone find their purpose?


You know, I think that’s probably one of the most important things in the world. Les Brown is a good friend of mine and he said something that I love and I’ve quoted him many times. He said, “The two most important days of your life are the day you’re born and the day you discover why you’re born.” A purpose is not something you decide on. It’s something you discover. Your purpose is why you get out of bed in the morning. Your purpose is why you’re living, why you’re here. I believe you and I and everybody else is hardwired to do something exceptional. I think we’ve got enormous talent locked up within us and if we don’t discover the purpose, it may never be expressed. It’ll just go to the grave in us.

We’ve got to sit down and ask ourselves on a regular basis. I recommend a person take 15-30 minutes everyday until this is done. Get a notepad that has nothing in it and don’t tear the page and sit and ask yourself, just go to a quiet place and sit. What do I really love doing? What do I really love doing? I don’t care if it’s bacon pies. What do you love doing! That’s what you should do. That’s where your purpose is and make no mistake about it. If you’re doing what you love, you’ll do it very well and if you do very well, you’re going to do very well in your life.

I was watching a woman one time on TV. She had been a dancer in a chorus line in Vegas and she finally quit because she knew she wasn’t a good enough dancer to be a star and she didn’t want to just stay in a chorus line, but she thought, what else?  – And she loved to dance – what else do I love to do? I love to bake pastry. So, she make up her mind she was going to be a great pastry chef and she moved to France and she started to mentor under some of the great pastry chefs of the world and now she is a great pasty chef. It was an interesting story.

So, you see, it might be to be a great pastry chef. There might be to be anything, but what do you love to do. Until you recognize that, I don’t think you will ever really fill fulfilled and after you decided on your purpose, you decide what you love to do, your vision is how you’re going to do it. If you could visualize a funnel going right from your forehead going out and getting wider and it’s a vision, it’s a long reigned vision, it would be a most implicitly of goals and there are all on purpose, every one of them would be serving your purpose.

So, the vision is how you’re going to execute your purpose and then your goal is taking a bite out of your vision, because you can only focus on one thing at a time. So, you take the first thing out of the vision and say this, I will do, and you discipline yourself and you do it.


Great point, great point. Before you go, Bob, give out your website if you would and then I’ve got another maybe two questions for you quickly.


They can go to


Excellent. You talked a little bit about goals earlier at the beginning of the show and you just mentioned it again. Some quick advice on goal setting, if you would. You said you can only really focus on one thing at a time.


Goals should be something you really want, Jason. Most people set goals to do what they think they can do. They’re playing it safe. They don’t want to fail. When you chose the right goals, you will not know how you’re going to do it. Steve Jobs put it very well. He says you can not connect the dots looking ahead, only looking back, so what you gotta do is what do I really want and describe it in the present tense. I’m so happy and grateful now and describe the goal in the present tense and then just keep thinking of how you can and the ideas will start to come to you.


And only one goal at a time? Really?


Just one. If you made a shopping list of all the things you want, the goal would be the one you want the most. See, it’s already here. It’s on a higher frequency and what you’ve got to do is raise your conscious awareness to that frequency, but moving towards it probably everything else in your list will fall into place as you go towards the thing you want.


That is, that is usually how it works, an amazing level of synchronicity. Bob, you know, just any closing remarks, any questions I didn’t ask you, anything you wanted to share with the audience that we didn’t touch on during this talk.


There’s a quote that I love. It’s been by Dean Briggs and if a person is struggling, if they’re having a problem, this is a quote that I always play with, he said, “Do your work, not just your work and no more, but a little more for the ravishing sake – that little more which is worth all the rest and if you suffer as you must and you doubt as you must, do your work. Put your heart into it and the sky will clear and out of your very doubt and suffering will be born the supreme joy of life.” When I’m faced with a challenge, that’s what I keep repeating. Do your work. Go to work, do your work, not just your work and no more, but a little for the ravishing sake. That’ll get a person through the hurdle.


That is some excellent, excellent advice. Bob Proctor, so nice to talk with you today. Keep up the good work on your part. Website Thanks again for joining us.


My pleasure.


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