CW 190: Improving Memory and Concentration with David Farrow Creator of the ‘Millionaire Memory’ Program

Jason Hartman talks with Guinness World Record Holder, David Farrow on this “every tenth show” where we’ll explore how to improve memory and concentration.  If you’re like most people, you’re constantly forgetting things. People’s names. Where you put the keys. Even things you read just moments before. Your mind is like a cluttered attic with information tossed everywhere and little hope of finding anything quickly. 

You can create a mental filing system that not only categorizes and organizes information, but also lets you retrieve it instantly, whenever you need it! Who am I? I’m the world’s foremost expert on memory and a two-time Guinness World Record holder. His program is designed to teach people like you to do what he can do – remember the names of people I met only once, always know where I put important objects like my keys, recite whole passages from books, word for word, and so much more. Using his techniques, hundreds of people like you are learning new languages, memorizing important scriptures and quotes, and even improving their vocabularies. With techniques that are easy and effective, you can double your reading speed and more.

Never lose your car keys or other valuables again
Get people’s names right every time, and avoid embarrassment
Quote scripture, famous people or even song lyrics perfectly
Pick up new languages in mere weeks
Ace exams by retaining everything you study
Deliver flawless speeches and presentations from memory
Impress people with your mental Rolodex of phone numbers

Using my breakthrough visualization techniques, I’ve trained thousands of corporate executives to excel in business, helped military officers and government agents remember critical pieces of information and even taught Academy Award-winning actors how to avoid blowing their lines!

Dave Farrow is the world’s foremost memory expert and a two time Guinness World Record Holder. He invented the MILLIONAIRE MEMORY program to teach people like you to do what he can do: remember names and important numbers, learn new languages, memorize scriptures, quotes and speeches, and more. Dave points to himself as proof that incredible mental improvements are possible.

As a child, Dave was diagnosed with two learning disabilities: ADHD and dyslexia. He struggled in school and had trouble keeping up in class. Out of frustration, he began an intense search for a way to overcome these challenges and, as a result, discovered the breakthrough techniques that helped him become the Guinness World Record holder for memorization. To earn that title, Dave memorized the order of 59 decks of cards. That’s 3,068 cards! Dave admits, “Your memory might never be quite that good, but I personally guarantee you’ll see dramatic memory improvements using my simple techniques.”